Sunday, August 28, 2022

The racket

 (6 minute read)

Paid OFF!

            Okay, I’m going to write about student loans.  I paid mine off. 

It took a while too.  It wasn’t always easy.  My first wife and I wanted her to be able to stay home with kids.  At the time we felt that was important.  So, we made it on one income.  That was difficult then and it’s practically impossible now.  We bought recapped tires, rebuilt batteries and I worked on our cars.  (They were easier to work on in those days.)  We ate economically and didn’t eat out often.  She finally went back to work.  We got tired of living hand to mouth.  And in the middle of all that I was working on getting my college degree.  I didn’t pay off the loan until married to my second wife 20 plus years later because we were a two-income household.

            Never missed a payment.  BUT I had help.  Thanks to my service time in the Army, I was able to go to college on the GI bill so I had an additional source of income.  I worked part-time jobs and finally got better full-time jobs.  Consequently, we didn’t need to borrow as much money as others.  College is expensive especially if raising a family is in the mix.  It took me 7 years but I got my degree.

            But the kicker is the loan could be paid off.  The interest was low.  We weren’t locked into a payment schedule where making the minimum payment meant that the loan was never paid off.  The debt wasn’t crushing financially.

Not so now.

It takes more now.

            When I was growing up one wage earner in the household was enough to make ends meet and get a little ahead.  Originally my parents lived in a small town and after dad came home from WWII they struggled to make a living.  So, they packed up and moved to the big city. 

We didn’t have a car, so we walked or rode the bus.  We lived in a duplex or as my mom called it, a three-room efficiency.  We all slept in the same bedroom.  My dad hired on at a defense plant and started making good money.  He also worked parttime on weekends as a driver for milk route for a Mennonite farmer.  He picked up milk from surrounding farmers and delivered it to a dairy.  The milk that he picked up was in milk cans.  Those cans were heavy and he would load and unload a whole truck of them by hand.  Dad had started out working in the coal fields in Missouri before WWII.  He was used to hard work.

            The point of this little life story is that people still want the same things in life.  They want to be able to take care of their family, be safe, be healthy, have a roof over their head and feed their family if they have one.  Some people want more.  Some are satisfied and happy with what they have. 

Life is so much harder to do now especially for those with slightly bigger dreams and goals.  For the majority of households it takes two wage earners just to keep up.  I retired from a large aerospace company.  I was a single parent for some of the time and had to pay for someone to watch the kids.  Family pitched in a lot of the time and that kept my costs down.  When both parents work it usually takes at least half of one’s monthly paycheck if not more just to pay for childcare. 

Subsidizing education

            Who is paying for all these loans anyway?[1]  It’s kind of murky in places but basically it’s the United States government that’s on the hook for 90% of student loans.  I’m seeing a lot of posts out on the internet of people griping about the cost being on their backs.  Kind of interesting.  Over 100 million lower income people don’t pay any taxes in the United States.[2]  They don’t make enough money. Thirty million plus don’t even bother to file.  They’re too poor.

            America started subsidizing education in 1862 with the passing of the Morrill Act and has gone up since then.[3]  Currently we spend way more on education than any other country in the world yet we don’t rank as number one.[4]  Singapore, South Korea, Canada, Finland and Germany all rank ahead of us.  There are arguments and papers ad infinitum as to the reasons why. Pick one you like. 

Somebody somewhere agrees with you.

Bottom line.

Have you heard the expression that children are the future of our nation?  I agree with that wholeheartedly.  People talk about the importance of teachers in educating our children.  Also true.  So what do we do?  How do we go about securing the future of being a better nation?  There’s lots we can do. 

  • Prioritize funding education.  We keep supporting education at all levels.  We may need to find better ways to do it but we need to keep doing it.  People have value.
  • Education including higher education needs to be affordable to everyone not just those at the top of the economic heap.  The less fortunate can be just as brilliant as the fortunate and contribute just as much given the chance. A real chance.  Not a soul crushing economic hardship chance that isn’t really a change in their circumstances.
  • We need to have the top 2 percent in this country doing their share and have them start paying taxes especially all the billionaires and multi-millionaires!  In other words, over half of Congress.[5] 
  • Start paying teachers better!  People talk about how important teachers are right up until teachers ask for better wages and benefits.  Same holds true for law enforcement and first responders.
  • Fund public education NOT private or religious education with tax dollars.
  • Stop censoring education!  It won’t work in today’s society unless there is totalitarian control.
  • Cultures are remembered by their art, scientists, philosophers, writers, warriors, achievements, etc. NOT   for bankers and lawyers. 
  • Teachers are educators NOT babysitters.  Fund childcare.
  • BTW supporting education is not socialism.  It’s good policy.
  • Except for new math.  As far as I’m concerned, the jury is still out on that one.
  • Bring back Drivers’ Education!  High school sports coaches need something else to teach!  Teach them about using turn signals and coming to a complete stop when required!
  • Have politicians clean up their acts, especially their educational ones.  Trump Party six figure income hypocrites complain about student loan forgiveness when they had millions in PPP loans forgiven.[6]  
  • Fund apprentice programs and trade schools.  College isn’t for everyone.  Tradespeople make the country run.

The goal isn’t to show a monetary profit from education.  The goal is for the country to reap the benefits of having an educated population that can post literate comments on social media and perhaps learn a little bit about how government operates in case they ever get to be in government.  Do they teach government anymore?  Because from what I’m reading people aren’t paying attention in class.

The bottom line is that we need to fund education for everybody.

[1] Who carries the paper:





Saturday, August 27, 2022

A refresher about HRC’s emails.

(4 minute, 30 second read)

Back in the day

            Since Trump got busted for having classified documents that he shouldn’t have had, comments are already popping up saying that Hillary’s emails were worse and nothing happened to her.[1]  First off, they weren’t worse.  Not even in the same ballpark.  Perhaps the entrance to the parking lot but that’s it.  She did mishandle classified documents.  For what it’s worth I think that she was incredibly careless with her emails.  BUT, her actions and the actions of others were not found to be intentional or of a nature that could be found guilty in court if prosecuted.[2]  .

            Clinton was investigated by the FBI and has credited the active investigation that took place towards the last of the 2016 campaign as costing her the election.  (I don’t believe that to be the truth.  It was more of a case of her campaign taking some states for granted and ignoring the warnings from grassroots workers.) 

            Here’s a little of what FBI Director James Comey said:

Comey said that 110 emails in 52 email chains were determined to contain some form of classified information at the time they were sent.

He went on to specify that Clinton was on seven of those chains that were classified as top secret.

“There is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information. For example, seven email chains concerned matters that were classified at the top secret, special access program at the time they were sent and received," Comey said.

            Comey held an almost 16 minute long conversation where he went over in detail all of the FBI findings.[3]  People have cherry picked some of the things that he said but it is the totality of his comments and conclusion that matters.  The FBI found

Nothing prosecutable.

The 33,000

            All the deleted emails were a separate issue. Politifact did a nice job of covering the 33,000 email screw-up by HRC’s aides, and it was a screw-up, but again, the FBI found nothing prosecutable.[4]  Trump vowed revenge during the campaign.  He said that he would appoint a Special Prosecutor to investigate her when he became President.[5]  Trump campaigned on throwing her in jail.  He didn’t do either.  You know why? It was a

Big nothing hamberder.[6]

(BTW, after he got elected he said as much.)[7]

Apples and Oranges

            People need to keep a few things in mind.  The armed services, law enforcement, FBI, etc. and government in general are predominantly conservative.  Don’t know why.  It’s just the way it is.  Trump spends a lot of time condemning liberals, the Dems and the radical left for the “witch hunts” against him when in fact most of the people investigating him and being witnesses against him are conservatives that self-identify as being Republican.  We’re talking hundreds of them, including people from his inner circle.

            The consensus of those investigating or that have done investigations past is that there is NO comparison between what Hillary Clinton did and what Donald Trump has done regarding the handling of classified documents.[8]  Those of us that have handled classified documents know the difference. 

As a Private in the Army I was investigated over a possible security breach.  I was interrogated for a couple of hours by two Captains.  (Both Captains had Top Secret clearances).  One Captain got real intense with me.  He questioned me closely about specific classified information pertaining to my job.  I refused to tell him.  He reassured me about his clearance.  I respectfully refused to tell him and said, “You have no need to know.”  He came at me real hard.  I stood my ground.  Finally the other Captain laughed and said, “you know he’s right.”  The end result was that I was cleared.  I had done everything properly.  Others were investigated as well.  There was no breach. 

When I left the Army they didn’t provide me updates about the classified information to which I had had access.  Not my job anymore.  I had no “need to know.”  That same doctrine applies to Trump since he no longer has the job.

He has no need to know.

Lock him up!

            Trump said that he felt strongly about the proper handling of classified information.[9]  He said it over and over again.  Check the End Note if you want to see the video of how Trump felt about enforcing the laws about handling classified information because so much was at stake.  It appears now that he is on the receiving end of advocacy of his beliefs.  Was he sincere about enforcing the law when it applies to him?  In this nation of law and order to whom does the law apply?  Everyone?  Based on Trump’s own words,

He should be in jail.


[2] At around 13 minutes Comey gives the FBIs determination:

[3] At around 13 minutes Comey gives the FBIs determination:



Thursday, August 25, 2022

What is the why?

  (7 minute read)


            There is an aspect of Trump getting caught holding classified documents that isn’t receiving much, if any, attention. 

Why did Trump want all of those classified documents?


            As I have mentioned in a previous blog post I had a Top Secret and then some security clearance when I was in the Army five decades ago.  Here’s my point.  The stuff that I had access to had zero application to civilian life.  The information that I had only applied to the security of the military, our operations and our nation.  It would have been ILLEGAL for ANYONE ANYWHERE to take classified material home with them.  PERIOD.

The information was of no use to my daily life then except for my duty time and once I left the military my expertise was of no use to me at all.  I was glad to be done with it.  However, I was still responsible not to talk about or share what I knew. Security was/is still necessary even in civilian life

There are exceptions to what I have said. 

They aren’t good ones.

The Marketplace.

            A Navy nuclear engineer and his wife were recently sentenced to years in prison as a result of their plea agreement for trying to sell Top Secret information regarding nuclear submarines to a foreign government.[1]  The judge rejected their plea agreement.  Prosecution had recommended 12 ½ to 17 ½ years for the husband and 3 years for his wife.  The judge didn’t think that harsh enough punishment.  They are now scheduled to go to trial.

            The preceding example demonstrates how secret information can be used to other purposes.  In this instance greed was the driving force.  In 1971 Daniel Ellsberg released information from a Top Secret report to the New York Times that dealt with the war in Viet Nam.[2]  The papers largely proved that the war was unjustified.  Ellsberg was charged under the Espionage act and faced the possibility of 115 year prison sentence.  He ended up being found not guilty. A Navy sailor, Robert Hoffman II, got 30 years for trying to sell classified information for monetary gain.[3]  Julian Assange,[4] Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden are all examples of people that mishandled classified information.[5]  Assange is facing extradition, Manning is in jail (again) and Snowden is in Russia.  Trump’s buddy is there.

            All of those that I mentioned had information that they weren’t supposed to have.  Greed wasn’t always the motivator.  The result was always the same.

National security was compromised.

The first one

            The Trump Party is making a big deal of Trump being the first President that has ever had the FBI serve a search warrant to retrieve documents including highly classified documents from his home.  This is true.  Trump had several other firsts as President.  He was the first President to not accept the results of an honest election.  He was the first President to not have a peaceful transfer of power.  Trump was the first President to be laughed at by the United Nations General Assembly for making stupid remarks.  He was the first President to tell over 20,000 lies in office.  He was the first President to lose 400,000 people due to mishandling a pandemic.  The first President to be in not one but 2 soft porn films.  The first to have a wife that had posed for nude photo shoots.  His firsts go on and on, but you get the picture.  He’s a man with a flexible moral operating system. 

He’s the first President to steal classified information.

            Trump mishandled classified information from the very beginning of his tenure and throughout his administration as I have noted before.  Again, there are some ‘why’ questions hanging in the air.  Why did Trump did Trump take home classified documents?  What did Trump want to do with them? 



            I don’t know what information Trump had that was classified Top Secret and don’t really need to know to have a good idea of what is taking place right now.  The classified information that was in the hands of someone and not in a secure location (a closet with a padlock is NOT a secure location) has to be assumed to be compromised.  The documents were transferred by unsecured means.  People other than Trump knew of the documents’ existence and handled them.  How many?  How much did they see?  Who did they tell?  Were copies made? 

Guaranteed there is an ongoing investigation now by agencies other than the FBI.  Potential damage assessment is taking place right now regarding the information that might have been compromised.  Agencies will have to start with the assumption that the material was compromised.  PERIOD. 

Will national policies have to be changed?  Will any of our allies have to be notified or involved?  (Trump burned Israel early in his administration by divulging classified information that they had obtained to the Russians.[6])  People other than the former President who were around those documents are being investigated right now.  The actual costs, depending on what may have been compromised, could end up being astronomical. Yes, we’ve never had a President do something like this before. 


Defense!  Defense!  Defense!

            It’s kind of hard to tell what defense Trump’s lawyers will mount.  Trumpers have thrown so many out there.  One of the more outrageous defenses has been put forth by Trump.  He maintains that he had declassified the information.  We now know that he didn’t because of a letter that Trump received from NARA (National Archives) and for some bizarre reason released.[7]  So, in one fell swoop he admitted that he had it and that he knew what it was because it had passed through his hands and he kept it.  It has been widely disproved by those who worked for him that it wasn’t in fact declassified, but for argument’s sake let’s assume that Trump did declassify the documents. 

What would that mean?

Secret meeting?

            Well, it would mean that previously classified, highly sensitive material would be in the public domain.  Otherwise, it would be just kind of declassified and therefore still illegal for him to have in his possession.  Why in the world would any patriotic American want to make that kind of information public?  Trump is no Daniel Ellsberg.  He’s no Snowden either but could still end up in Russia.  Remember when it was in the news that Trump met in secret with Putin several times?[8]  No witnesses.  Here’s what we do know,

Trump had 300 classified documents.

We can only hope that his Secret Service detail is keeping him under their watchful eye should Trump try and leave the country.  My assumption here is that they also swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and that they take

Our nation’s security seriously.

Circle the wagons

There is no good reason for Trump to do what he did.  He even made one of the laws that he might have violated for doing what he did punishable as a felony.  If charged he will be considered innocent until proved guilty.  Will he plead the 5th Amendment again?

At this point it is almost a sure thing that others will be charged with violating the law or laws.  I read a comment today about MAGA means Make Attorneys Get Attorneys.  People will be going down over this.  I am kind of jaded though.  The rich and powerful in this country tend to get away with their law breaking.

Instead of thinking up excuses for their glorious leader, the Trump Party might consider putting America first.  They certainly talk about that a lot.  Then do it.  Trump broke the law.  NO person in this country is supposed to be above the law.  He also swore an oath to the nation.  He violated that oath. 








