Monday, August 8, 2022

Tip of the iceberg


(2 minute read)  8/8/2022

Conventional Wisdom (CW)

            The CW is that people vote their pocketbooks.  Most of the time I agree with that sentiment.  People want to take of themselves and/or their family.  That’s a priority.  When politicians promise “chicken in every pot” types of legislation they are talking about prosperity.[i]  Those in power or seeking power maintain that they will make lives better.  People can be swayed with the promises from someone of being able to provide better times. 

Yet, people turned out in record numbers for a primary in a red state to support a woman’s right to freedom of choice.  What’s more, the victory was decisive. Every congressional district in Kansas voted for choice. Republicans traditionally show up in greater numbers for a primary.  Obviously, there were Republicans that voted for women to have the choice over their own medical decisions. 

            So why did voters in Kansas reject an amendment to change their state constitution that would have eliminated reproductive choice?  The number of women that might make the choice to terminate their pregnancy is a miniscule, small portion of the general population.  The overwhelming majority of people would not be economically impacted by women losing control of their bodies.  So, why?

Evidently fundamental rights matter.

Believe them.

            Continuing to seek a national ban on abortions is just the tip of the iceberg as to the agenda of what the Trump Republican Party will continue to pursue.  They will keep working towards being able to rewrite our Constitution.  Their banning of books and white-washing history in states they control will continue.  Their demonization of LGBTQIA+ people and immigrants will continue unabated.  With the support of their Trump Supremes they will continue to criminalize any sexual behavior between consenting adults that they don’t like.  In short, they will continue their efforts to overthrow our form of government.

That’s their November agenda.

The stage is set.

            One thing for sure that the vote for women’s autonomy in Kansas showed us is that it’s possible even in a deep red state in Kansas to reach everyone on certain issues.  Will that make a difference for Congresswoman Cheney in Wyoming?  Probably not.  But it now seems possible that other issues like equality and recognition of the rights of LGBTQIA+ can impact voter turnout in a positive fashion for Democrats. 

Let’s make that our November agenda.

