Sunday, May 9, 2021

Tribal Pyre

Candace Owens, April 2020

“Two weeks ago I told you all that India was the country to watch as millions of their workers were stranded along the railroad — no means of social distancing,” Owens said. “India has just 169 deaths. Reported its first case in January. BUT IT’S 10 TIMES MORE DEADLY THAN THE FLU, BRO!”

            Owens was mocking the virus as being oversold and comparing Covid 19 to the flu was popular amongst conservatives.

            Have you seen the drone footage from India showing the mass open air cremation of bodies because too many died too quickly? It’s incredible and overwhelming. Their hospitals ran out of oxygen. Their health care system collapsed.

             In Bolivia the nation’s hospital and health care system also has collapsed.

            Venezuela’s is in the process of crashing if it hasn’t already.

            Mass burials are taking place in other countries as well. Mortuaries and crematoriums are overwhelmed.


            This is what the pro-plague Republicans and Evangelicals sought for this nation.

            From the very beginning of the pandemic the Republican policy of denial has thwarted efforts to lessen the damage caused by the plague. The plagues success in killing hundreds of thousands of people needlessly in this country is their victory.

Never forget.

            America should never forget the hundreds of thousands of needless pandemic deaths caused by Ex-President Trump, the Republican Party, Republicans, Evangelicals, anti-vaxers, Proud Boys, White Nationalists, Alt-Right, Confederates, the KKK, Nazis, Q-anon and MAGAT Heads. Never. The list isn’t complete. There are simply too many hate groups that supported Trump’s Administration of traitors to cover them all. With this many names the individual groups get lost in the swill. This is Trump’s hardcore base. The voice of normal Republicans has been lost in the storm along with their party.

            We should never forget all the super spreading events that they hosted and supported.

            We should also never forget that in the midst of this pandemic that Republicans attempted to overthrow our government and way of life. We should never forget that they are the ones that ended a 220 year history of having a peaceful transition of power by attacking our Capitol like animals.

            And now their “Chosen One” with 600,000 dead Americans lost to the plague was in Mar a Lago drinking Diet Coke, golfing with his rich friends and doing what he does best—complaining about how he was treated. Then he moved to New Jersey where he can drink Diet Coke, watch TV and complain about how he was treated.

He dines. He whines.

Their agenda continues.

            Now they oppose vaccines; the very vaccines that would bring about the herd immunity that they claimed in the beginning as being what they wanted. Yet they want their tribal Chief credited with the vaccine that they refuse to take.

            Their excuses for not taking the vaccine are as plentiful as all the fanciful conspiracies that they spread. Their right wing news sources support their unshakable beliefs of false information.


            Their resistance to vaccinating is tribal. No science. No concern for others. They just act on the primitive urges that they ascribe to people of color living in, as described by their tribe’s leader, “shit hole” countries. Witch doctors are their advisors. Their conspiracy theories are fueled by their voodoo priests of disinformation. They are willing to believe any witches brew concoction of lies. Gullibility is their shield of deniability and taking any responsibility.

            Even when their fellow tribe members die from Covid 19 they claim that something else killed them. Primitive beliefs define their knowledge and understanding as they profess fealty to their Tribal Leader.


            They still want more dead people or they would be encouraging people to vaccinate. Chief Trump got the vaccine for himself and his family just like he got state of the art medical treatment when he caught Covid 19.

            Trump hasn’t shown leadership for the greater good in defeat either. He is still consumed with acting on his grudges and being the first dictator of the United States. He isn’t going to bother with telling his tribal followers to vaccinate. He needs their ignorance, sacrifice and money to fund his next coup attempt. The pauper billionaire.

            600,000 dead and counting.

Trump’s truest legacy.