Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Little Trumps

(7-minute read.)

Setting the table.

            Before I get too deep in this, I’m going to say that MAGA Republican from Texas, Chip Roy, in a rant summed up the accomplishments of MAGA Congress best.  He said that MAGA had not passed one significant piece of legislation that he could go back home and campaign on.[1]  Not one.  MAGA Roy wanted to shut government down and is now all butthurt because they didn’t.  MAGA MTGreene doesn’t like Republicans either.[2] 

            A young man named Luke Beasley did a recent post where he interviewed Trump MAGA supporters in Iowa.  His interviews provide an excellent example of Trump’s base.  You can access that here

Something else that I believe is important to keep in mind is that one of the reasons that Trump is seeking the office of President in order to stay out of jail because of all the criminaling that he has done.  If he ends up not running, and that’s a mighty big if, he will only support candidates that will pardon him of his crimes if they win.  Little Trumps.  Little Trumps that owe him.  As soon as they pardon him he can declare that he has been the rightfully elected President all along and seize power.

One of his other top reasons is that campaigning and soliciting money to help poor billionaire Trump is a real money maker for him and his associates.[3]  Trump is grifting his MAGA rubes for tens of millions. 

Where was I?  Oh yes.

What are issues that people are interested in?  What issues are important to you?

Reproductive freedom for everyone is obviously on people’s minds. 

Perhaps for some it’s our foreign policy that is most important.  It’s a freedom that MAGA wants to do away with. 

How about citizenship for Dreamers?  Republicans and Democrats alike have kept these people in limbo for decades. 

For others it may be higher wages.  So far wage increases nationwide are staying ahead of inflation.

Better health care.  MAGA Republicans want to do away with the Affordable Care Act.  Again.  Trump is still working on a better one.

Lower taxes for the middle class or higher taxes for the wealthy. 

The most important issue for some people may be the price of gas. 

Since I mention the subject of the price of gas, I want to mention that is something that any President usually has very little control over yet it is something that impacts working people every day.  Especially those people that have tighter than tight budgets. 

People may have forgotten this but during the pandemic then President Trump sought to raise the price of oil.[4]  He succeeded.  (For any MAGA Trump supporters that might be reading this oil is used to make gasoline.)  This is not typical behavior for a President.  He was protecting the profits of the oil industry.  Helping out the Saudis and Russians was a bonus for him.

Whenever gas hits three dollars and some change MAGA heads start posting comments about Biden being responsible for high gas prices.  We bought gas for $2.77 the other day.  Today the price is $2.72.  Shouldn’t the MAGA Heads be talking about how wonderful President Biden is doing? Or Obama since Trump has decided that Obama is really the President now.  Does electing a President depend upon the price of gas?

Meanwhile back to the level of crass vulgarity of political discourse in this country that MAGA has brought us down to. 

It’s all the rage in Iowa.[5]

Some Highlights of the lowlights

            Where to begin?  I don’t intend to fill up pages with bullet points and links to the vulgarity that is MAGA.  I do want to hit some lowlights.  MAGA Marjorie Taylor Greene’s antics alone could fill up a few pages as could Boebert, Jordan, Gaetz, Mace, Gohmert, Tuberville, Santos, Comer.  These and many other MAGAs have serious Little Trump potential.  At this point I can’t help but think that their reserves of stupid are getting low.

  • Trump is now opposed to golden showers.  Yes, you read that right.  Well, at least he says he is.  When I first heard the allegation about golden showers it was that he liked to watch people getting them.[6]  Then at a campaign rally held in a high school in Iowa Trump talked about receiving golden showers.[7]  He said that Melania didn’t believe that rumor.  Begs the question what rumors did she believe about Mr. Grab them by the pussy?  Did she believe the one that said he cheated on her when he was cheating on her?  (He cheated on all 3 of his wives.)  According to Karen McDougal he offered to pay her after having unprotected sex.[8]  I guess old habits die hard.  How about the one where he allegedly had sex with porn star Stormy Daniels and then paid hush money to keep her quiet.[9] 
  • Trump is a rapist according to the judge that oversaw the case where Trump was found liable for sexual abuse.  I’m covering some of his trials here
  • Let’s not forget that Trump talked about his dick in the first Presidential campaign.[10] 
  • Trump had a staff turnover rate of 92%.  The highest turnover rate of any President going back to Reagan.[11] 
  • Boebert.  While I’m on the subject of dicks I may as well get MAGA Boebert out of the way.  Can we ever forget her getting … handy … in the theater with a Democrat.[12]  I am glad to see that she is capable of reaching across the aisle occasionally.  Hey women just want to have fun
  • Trumps numbers, good and bad, are here.  BTW that link provides an excellent breakdown of the Trump years.
  • Because of Trump’s handling of the pandemic a few hundred thousand people died that didn’t need to.
  • Trump is echoing Hitler now in speeches about immigration, calling immigrants vermin and talking about them poisoning the blood of America.[13]  Nazis love Trump when he talks like this.
  • Do away with the Constitution.  Did you know that Trump wants to do away with the parts of the Constitution that he doesn’t like?  Yep, he does.[14]  And he’s talked about doing that more than once.[15] 

He means it.

Other folks.  Other strokes.

  • MAGA McCarthy was removed.  Then MAGA elected MAGA Johnson who passed the same legislation that MAGA McCarthy was ousted for with the help of Democrats in order to keep from shutting down the government. 
  • MAGA Representative Burchett said McCarthy punched him in the kidneys.[16] 
  • In the book that Former Republican Representative Kinzinger had already written prior to the Burchett incident he mentioned that McCarthy had shoulder checked him twice.[17] 
  • I bite.  Have you ever seen those signs at zoos that they post on some animal cages that say “I Bite?”  Perhaps they should consider posting one of those signs in the Senate in front of Markwayne Mullins’ seat.[18]  He announced after his confrontation with a witness in a Senate hearing where he had tried to fight the witness that he bites when he fights and will bite anywhere.  For guys that are opposed to gay rights they sure do talk about dick a lot. 
  • But Wait!  There’s more.  Evidently Mullin likes to stick his finger in the nose of sleeping people and take pictures.  What a MAGA kind of fun guy.[19]  I guess people should be happy he used his finger.  I wonder what his position on golden showers is?
  • Enablers against Trump.  Twenty-four people that worked closely with Trump during his administration as enablers now oppose his being President again.[20]  They know him best.[21]  Words like dope and moron were used along with talking about Trump being a

Danger to our democracy.

[1] Nothing rant:

[2] MTG:








[10] Trump talks dick size:


[12] Handy:


[14] Do away with Constitution:



[17] Shoulder check at 5m2s:

[18] I bite:



Sunday, November 26, 2023

Jesus Christ!

            Just a quick note to my Facebook contacts.  I will be making these posts shareable (i.e. Public) now.  First, I will post the link, then I will come back and edit it to make it public so that it can be shared from Facebook if you’re so inclined, so give me a couple of minutes after I first post the link.  I’ll do it this way so that I don’t have to change all my posts as being public and then have to reset my friends only choice.

(4-minute read.)

Witchy Woma

            MAGA “Christians” are accusing Taylor Swift promoting witchcraft.[1]  I wish that I was making this stuff up.[2]  When I first read about this, I thought surely it was another of those ridiculous internet stories.  But nooooooooooo.  It isn’t.  AND it’s been going on for some time.  Recently MAGA Kandiss Taylor of Georgia who ran for Governor and lost is calling out Witch Swift.[3] 

            These are the same kind of religious fanatics that are getting books banned all over the country.  The Harry Potter books have also been banned because of, gasp,


They walk among us.


How deep is the stupid?

            More from MAGA.[4]

  • Obama is a Muslim and still running the country.[5]  An oldy but goody for MAGA and still believed by too many.
  • MAGA Trumpers like to say that Trump never surrenders while wearing a picture of Trump’s mug shot on the griftware sold at his campaign rallies.[6]  
  • The MAGA Christo Fascists believe that we are living in the End Times and what’s more are trying to make that happen.  You know the end times.  That’s when all the Jews either convert to believing in Jesus or DIE.[7]  
  • MAGA Pastor Greg Locke is all for the war in Israel.[8]  (See the above.)  In addition to wanting Palestinians killed he wants our Capitol blown up.[9]  He also likes burning books that have witchcraft in them.[10]  Ever heard of the owl God?  Probably not.  Pastor Greg Lock in addition to the Owl God also believes in witchdoctors.[11]  Again with the witches.  The sad part is that these dumb fucks will start killing owls now because—demons!
  • Everybody has sex with porn stars so it’s okay that Trump had sex with a porn star.[12]  I did not know that everybody did this.  Mainly because I don’t personally know anybody that did or does this.
  • Did you know that a Thanksgiving turkey cost $90 according to MAGA?[13]  Considering that the average price of a turkey is $1.25 cents a pound that had to be one big fucking turkey to cost $90!  Maybe a Neiman Marcus turkey. We bought ours at a local market.
  • A rich Jew (Soros) helped steal the election.[14]  How novel.  How very Nazi.  How long before dirty Jew makes it into the MAGA lexicon.  Hint.  It already has.[15] 
  • Trump believes there is still a “Deep State” running things.[16]  So, his supporters also believe there is a Deep State.[17]  Here’s the kicker.  Crazy ass asylum candidate MAGA Heads say President Biden is mentally unstable. 
  • It should come as NO surprise that the MAGA Speaker of the House is against: gay marriage, gay sex, gay dating, gays adopting, gay pronouns, trans people, abortion, witchcraft, books about witchcraft, sex education and … well, you get the drift.[18]  Religious whack job.
  • BTW It’s hard to keep up with all the names that Trump has called people.  The link to a refresher is here.  He is calling immigrants disease ridden again and saying that they are “poisoning the blood of our country.” Straight up racist Mein Kampf Nazi bullshit.  You can see Trump supporters saluting their Fuhrer here.
  • Trump should be King.[19]  Is being King a step up or a step down from being the Fuhrer?  That kind of depends upon the time frame.  Kings of today don’t typically wield absolute power.  Kings of a few centuries ago are an entirely different matter.
  • Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene says that the Republican Party sucks.[20]  I’m actually in agreement with Greene on this one.

Trump is beholden to these people, who are his hardcore MAGA base.  He gave these morons a seat at the table in his White House because he needed and continues to need their votes in order to get back into the White House.  Seriously!  

What the fuck is the matter with these people?!



[3] Witchy Swifty:

[5] Ibid.

[6] Trump surrender picture:

[7] End times for Jews:


[9] Ibid.


[11] Owl God:

[12] Porn star sex (1m19s):

[13] $90 turkey:

[14] A jew helped steal the election:


[16] Deep State:

[17] Deep State and more:


[19] King Trump: