Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Goddamn Bullshit!


(2.5-minute read)

             Up front I’ll say that yes, my language is getting worse.  I blame sweary James Fell 

Rally cry!

            Offended yet?  The evangelical Christo fascists supporting their beloved holy rapist Trump surely must be.  But really it wasn’t Trump talking.  Trump avoids vulgarity and sticks to his Nazi talking points, whining, playing victim and having his enemies punished.  But let’s get on to the title.  I really wanted to write the words again but exercised some restraint.  Up front I want to say that I have used these words along with other favorites of mine.  In general, I try to use swear words judiciously.  That will disappear shortly.  I say this in the interest of full disclosure. 

            “God bless everybody here” is how Rosanne Barr started at the Trump rally that she attended.[1]  She talked about her faith, prayer and Trump.  She loves Trump.  Trump loves her.  And what’s more Obama is currently in charge of the White House.  I’m going to guess most normal people didn’t know that.  Still don’t. 

An aside note:  MAGA pushes this conspiracy theory to provide cover for Trump’s screw up at a rally when he talked about running against Obama, and Biden leading us into WW2.[2]  (BTW he has done it several more times since then.)  Trump also has trouble remembering what years he was President.  Genius Trump claimed in court testimony that he was busy as President in 2021 (AFTER he left office) to know what was going on with his business financial statement.[3] 

Pretty “normal” stuff for a MAGA rally.  Then at 4m47s in Barr.  She started calling for an end to the “deep state bullshit.”  She then led the crowd in a cheer to “stop the deep state bullshit.”  The crowd really got into it.  They cheered her comments.  They chanted.  Then it was just “end the bullshit.”  Killing made it into the chant when Barr started screaming “We want MAGADOR Trump to kill that goddamn bull.”  Then she added the shit part in later screaming.  She introduced Kimberly Guilfoyle and left the stage.  They didn’t do their other favorite MAGA chant like they did at a NASCAR race.[4]  In case you’ve forgotten, here it is:

Fuck Joe Biden.[5]


            MAGA Heads aren’t looking for anyone that is Presidential or has a good grasp on reality.  They are fueled by conspiracy theories and make-believe accomplishments.  They want our government to be non-functioning and diligently oppose legislation for working people and those that are desperate for help.  They create chaos instead of compromise.  They fight anyone that isn’t MAGA.  They fight with each other in MAGA.  They spew nonsense and bullshit.  If they truly want to stop the bullshit they should stop bullshitting. 

They want a President with the character traits they admire.  That’s why they worship the shyster fascist rapist Trump.

Trump is the King of bullshit.

[2] Trump v Obama:


[4] NASCAR race chant:
