Friday, August 5, 2022

Rough edges


Fossilized Coral

(2 minute, 30 second read.)

In the Rough

            Back in July of 2020 while still in the throes of a pandemic I posted on Facebook comments about Europe being in a recession and what our economy was like and future prospects were.  They weren’t good then.  They aren’t good now.  They aren’t going to be good for a while. 

At that time the pandemic had put tens of millions of people out of work.  However, total bankruptcies continued falling.[1]  They have been falling since a peak in 2010.[2]  More people have gone back to work but major industries are announcing layoffs again for a variety of different reasons. 

            Regardless, the pandemic has been rough on people in economic terms in addition to the physical trauma and deaths.  The government payouts to people did help people keep food on the table and take care of their families. 

            Back then the projections were that our economy wouldn’t return to what passes for normal until 2023.  Then Russia invaded Ukraine.  Things became exponentially worse.  Inflation, shortages, supply chain difficulties, gas price increases along with food and living expense increases occurred globally. 

All over the world some corporations are making record profits too.  It isn’t just the oil companies.  Where there’s misery there’s also profit in war just like there were and are pandemic profiteers. 

Things change and things stay the same.

Grab bag

            With Trump it’s hard to tell if his recent endorsement of “Eric” was by design or stupidity since there were 2 MAGA Trump Republicans named Eric seeking the position of Senator in Missouri.  BTW Eric won. 

            Let me see, oh yes, Trump sided with Russia again and called the woman basketball player Brittney Griner spoiled. Yes, the guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth called a black woman spoiled.  He also said that all Ukraine had to do was renounce NATO and give up the territory that Russia had already invaded and Putin would have left them alone.  Might tell Georgia that.[3]  Evidently Putin didn’t get the memo.  BTW appeasers also said that Hitler would stop with Poland. 

            We need to send the Ukrainians all the military hardware that we can!  Send them fighter jets!  Send them more HIMARS! 


Going mainstream

            Readers of this blog may not remember but I have written previously about the Trump Republican Party with the help of their Evangelicals and Supremes wanting to rewrite our Constitution to reflect their supposedly Christian values of intolerance and punishment for all those different than them.  Well major news media is now picking up on that agenda and writing articles about Constitutional provisions for doing that.[4] 

            Anyway, the bottom line to all of this is that the economy isn’t going to straighten out for couple of more years irregardless :-) of who is President or what party is in charge.  I will suggest NOT picking a party that believes in the fantasy of trickle-down money from the well-to-do. 

What if there’s no choice?