I have said previously that I think that Trump is going to get reelected. I’m still holding with that view. The same reasoning still applies so I don’t want to spend a lot of time on that other than to mention a couple of quick points. Trump will lose the popular vote by a bigger margin than he did in 2016. He can do that and still win the Electoral College and the Presidency. Expect the Republican Party to hit incredible heights of dishonesty in regards to the vote.
More often than not polls will tighten before an election. Democrats have been fudging on how well they’re doing by picking certain polls to solicit money with. Quite a few races that they are portraying as being tight aren’t really that tight. Republicans do the same thing; they just don’t have as many national high profile races to do that with.
There are Republicans and Democrats campaigning hard right now that already know they’re going to lose. That’s some tough campaigning right there. I ran for office a few times back in the day and halfway through one race I knew that I was going to lose. No doubt about it. I knew it would be close but I knew that I would lose. Those last weeks of campaigning were a slog but you can’t let up, because people believe in you. So I campaigned harder.
The undecided
I have been watching interviews on various channels with voters that say they are undecided. They give their reasons. It’s kind of fascinating really.
Ω My first reaction is to wonder where they have been living the last four years.
Ω Were they in a coma?
Ω Were they living in the wild without any interaction with humanity?
Ω Had they been snatched by aliens and just recently returned with their memories wiped?
Ω What color is the sky in their world?
Policy minded.
One young fellow said that he wanted to see what policies the two candidates support.
He said that.
Ω Trump didn’t even bother with a platform.
Ω Trump is still campaigning against Hillary.
Ω Trump is still campaigning to have a good health care plan. He says that he already has one and he says that he’s still working on one so take a pick of the answer you want.
Ω Trump is still campaigning on Mexico paying for the wall and the wall almost being finished. (In case you’re wondering the sky in his world is colored orange.)
Ω Trump also said that we turned the corner on the virus.
Trump actually said that.
He said that on the day that cases and hospitalizations are going up all over the country. He said that on a day when the nation had 70,000 cases. He said that on a day where we have lost a quarter of a million people.
Another woman said that she wasn’t sure about the candidates but knew that the Republican Party was fiscally responsible so she was leaning that way in deciding who to vote for. She said that. The Republican Party has perfected fiscal irresponsibility. Republicans are so “fiscally responsible” that they refuse to provide money for people to buy food and keep a roof over their heads with winter coming. Yet “fiscally responsible” enough to give a couple of trillion more dollars to the rich.
Trump inherited a good economy and trashed it by NOT handling the pandemic.
Working on an education.
One young woman said that she watched the debates and still couldn’t decide which candidate would make a good role model and be a person that she could look up to. Trump cheated on all of his wives and had unprotected sex with a porn star while Melania took care of their newborn son. Lies. Just lies and then lies some more.
In truth I don’t know what kind of role model she’s looking for.
The uneducated love Trump and he loves them?
If it isn’t one thing.
The list of reasons that people give for being undecided goes on and on. Pollsters decided that one of the problems associated with polling in 2016 is that people that said they were undecided weren’t really all that undecided.
I simply don’t believe that these people are undecided. There are a few of reasons why I think they say that they’re undecided.
Ω They get to be frequently interviewed because their position is so hard to believe this late in the game.
Ω They’re commitment phobic, not undecided.
It’s easier to say:
Ω I just don’t know.
Ω I want to see what their position is.
Ω I want to wait until after the debates.
Ω I want to… well you get the idea.
They know who they’re going to vote for but it makes it appear that they’re more studious and impartial than they really are.
Undecided my ass.
These folks are breaking for Trump.
Okay, there will be a portion that break for Biden. I just don’t think that it will be as large.
And in the other corners!
The serious leftists can’t wait to tell you that they aren’t voting for either of the candidates. They’re still voting for Bernie.
Third Party voters will always be third party voters. They can tell you now who they’re voting for and it isn’t going to be Democrat or Republican.
I’ve missed a few corners I’m sure.
There’s always the option of going someplace where there’s a dictating despot making all the decisions or where it doesn’t matter how you vote because the same despot is still going to come out with all the votes like in Russia Russia Russia.
If you’re really truly undecided and you come this far—Don’t Vote! Just sit this one out. You’ll feel better. Unless you get the virus that lands you in the hospital.
After all, we’ve turned the corner.