Sunday, October 25, 2020

Some people

What did you do during the time?

            I watched Samuel L. Jackson say this in an election ad.

“If your vote didn’t matter they wouldn’t try so hard to take it from you.”

            The votes of minorities and poor people have been suppressed for generations. It still happens today. For the last few decades Republicans have been doing their level best to change the status to their being the only ones with the status and the quo.

Life happens.

            Some people are in an abusive relationship with life. Life just happens to them. They just go through it. They don’t know how to end or get away from the abuse. It can be hard. Real hard. It can become a way of life.

            Right now President Trump along with his cult are abusing our entire country and many of those that interact with us. They are starving out the people that lost their jobs, while giving tens of billions to the wealthy.

Our nation is in the chaos of abuse.

Back in the day.

            I ran for office in a small town a few times. Got elected a couple of times. When I campaigned I used the voter registration lists. I was primarily interested in talking with people that voted. People that did something even if it was for only one day. Voters were scarce as hen’s teeth in economically depressed or lower income areas.

            One conversation really stayed with me. I knocked on the door to talk with a registered voter that actually voted on a regular basis. A guy answered the door who was not the person that voted; that was his wife. She voted every time, NOT just the Presidential election. I told him who I was and what I was running for and he was off!

            He went on ad infinitum about everything that was wrong and what needed to be done about it. It took him awhile but he finally wound down. I asked him if his wife was available for me to talk with.

“Nah! She don’t care!”

 Cause and effect.

            When we do something. Something happens. Sometimes bad. Sometimes good. Sometimes not much.

  235 million people are eligible to vote in the 2020 election. (Not all are registered.)

  In 2018 there were 153 million registered voters.

  In 2016 almost 139 million voted. (55% of those eligible)

  Trump got 62,984,828 votes. Clinton got 65,853,514 votes. Trump won with 46.1% of the popular vote to Clinton’s 48.2% (The polls predicted her 2% lead.)

            Not only are all people eligible to vote not registered, but all the people that are registered to vote don’t vote either. So when you see the voter turnout just keep in mind that number isn’t reflective of all the people who could have voted.

The majority of people in mighty patriotic America don’t vote.

            This is why we had 40 million people living in poverty pre-pandemic. We could be well over 50 million by now.

            The majority of people living in America will live their entire lives without voting.

Voting doesn’t matter. Especially if you don’t vote.

Republicans LOVE the non-voters! Especially the non-voting poor!

The good. The bad. The Internet.

            Is the internet and social media a curse or a blessing?

The jury is still out.

            And the jury is going to be out for quite awhile yet. It largely depends if civilization gets a handle on social media and NOT like the Chinese and Russians are doing it and as Trump would like to do it. No criticism allowed!

Reach out and touch someone.

            As citizens we have the opportunity now to reach out way beyond anything that was possible before. AND we can do it much faster. For instance this little piddly blog of mine has an international reach thanks to the internet. I can also directly support people seeking office in other states. We are currently doing what little we can in various contests.

Those little bits add up when enough people do them.

  Joe Biden of course.

  Nicole Galloway for Missouri Governor.

  Mark Kelly is running for the Senate in Arizona.

  Theresa Greenfield is going for the Senate in Iowa.

  Jill Schupp in Kansas.

  Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, In the House in NYC.

  Joyce Elliot for the House seat in Arkansas.

            Did this from an easy chair.

            Didn’t even have to leave the house.

            It’s that easy.

            What did you do during the time when it could have made a difference? Got someone you’re interested in?

Do something.

Good people.

            For some people doing the right thing for the right reason is good enough. At one time that was a good enough reason ….

For some people.