Monday, November 9, 2020

Great news! You don’t have to be sad!,627

Don’t worry. Be happy.

            I keep reading comments that people are so sad for America. Really?! I added that exclamation point after the question mark to make it more emphatic and perhaps a little questioning with just a smidge of sarcasm and a touch of irony. That’s asking a lot out of one exclamation point I know but just remember that wherever you go—there you are. (Think Buckaroo Banzai.)

            This country of America just successfully handled an election of record-breaking size where close to ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLION PEOPLE voted! AND did it in the middle of a pandemic! (I really wish that I didn’t have to say “middle”. Think mask.) And no they didn’t do the count in one day. You know why. They have to meticulously check a lot of votes as required by various state laws.

            Even with a record number of mail in ballots there were enough results/data from election officials for number crunchers to make the call in 5 days!

Phenomenal! Outstanding!

            Again I say.

            It was successfully handled!

            Be proud of all the people, including the many volunteers, who made it happen. Give them a nice physically distanced pat on the back. (That’s going to be hard I know.) They have ensured that everything was done properly and legally. It’s an insult to all of these hardy souls to act like all of this bad stuff happened on their watch. It’s saying that thousands of people didn’t do their jobs.

And they did.

They made a plan.

            State governments planned for it and made it happen.

            It’s really kind of amazing. Government worked even though Republicans have spent the last 4 years doing their level best to take it apart. Now, I know that I lost some people here even though they say they are interested in the truth. That isn’t true. They can’t handle the truth! (Think Tom Cruise.)

            People from every walk of life, political persuasion, political non-persuasion, color and gender worked alongside one another to pull it off and….

They did it!


            I’ll even see that PERIOD and raise it a PERIOD..

            Could it have been done easier and better? YES! It gets better with work and effort. This time it was made a lot worse by the President of the United States, along with the help of his legions of enablers. (Some Roman imagery should come to mind.). Having his armed supporters show up with AR15s kind of made for some bad optics. We’re talking the kind of bad optics that those 3D glasses could give you.

            The most critical area of this contest for all those seeking office was the use of mail in ballots. How these ballots are controlled is by the laws of each state. There are any number of ways that they’re handled along with what are called provisional ballots. Some ballots were set aside because people put their birth date in the date line rather than the date of the ballot. I’ll just go ahead and say it. Many of you are perhaps, just perhaps on the off chance, thinking it. It was probably an oldster. I think that I can get away with that because I am an oldster. I’m actually kind of surprised that my ballot didn’t ask if I had had any falls since the last time I filled out a ballot.

            I have been addressing some of the more outrageous fabrications that I am reading around the internet. I’ll try and cover them quickly. The majority are coming from the President and then amplified by his enablers.

            The people that want to believe this kind of crap will believe it regardless. However, there are some people genuinely concerned about what they hear.

*Before I get into the short version explanation


(Short version.)

Ω Voting after November 3rd. DIDN’T HAPPEN

Ω Voter fraud. DIDN’T HAPPEN

Ω Fraudulent voting. DIDN’T HAPPEN

Ω Illegals voting DIDN’T HAPPEN

Ω Aliens voted. POSSIBLE (The truth is out there. It is also possible that they were just some Walmart shoppers. I do apologize for this. It’s kind of taking a cheap shot at Walmart and the people that shop there. I do shop there myself though. I have heard “Is that what you wore?” a few times. I also have mixed plaids with stripes. (Fingernails on the blackboard. An oldster reference if there ever was one.)

Ω Millions of ballots were sent to people that didn’t ask for them! OMG! (It’s legal. Some states do that automatically. Cray, huh?)

Ω People that got ballots didn’t send them back! What happened?! OMG! (Some idiot told them not to mail their ballots! Another idiot slowed down the United States Postal Service! It’s also possible that they weren’t dead when they requested the ballot but the thought of standing in line for 3 hours drove them over the edge. You know what I’m going to give this another OMG! and an IRONY! I was going to give a DARWIN AWARD but I think there’s a good chance that will come in handy later.)

Ω RIGHT ABOUT HERE you may have realized that you were lied to about this being the short version. You would be right. I can’t believe that people made it this far.

Ω Dead people got ballots. STINKY VOTED (But I think that was pretty much confined to Chicago. I’m sorry. I know that was another CHEAP SHOT. Really this is only a problem if the dead person voted. It seems to me that they would have attracted a little attention in line. Masks don’t have carbon filters. I’m hoping that they at least believed in Jesus otherwise it’s possible the 7th seal has been broken and everything dead is new again. I really don’t have the slightest idea what that means but it sounds kind of righteous so I’m staying with it.)

Serious Note I:  Dead people would have had to vote all over the country and they would have had to have been able to vote for Biden and for the other Republicans on the same ballot that won. The obvious answer is that there were Republicans that voted against Trump and for Biden. The dead didn’t just rise up in the 4 states that Trump LOST. That would be some pretty damn precision voter fraud taking place by the tens of thousands all over the country. It’s a fraud that likely left Republicans in charge of the Senate. Why would Democrats do that? Really, people, think about this for a minute. Why do the job halfway?At the very least they’d have gotten rid of Moscow Mitch.

Ω Some people voted after November 3rd. NEVER HAPPENED (Does that really matter if it was the dead person and they were registered. Frankly standing in line for a couple of hours was not any kind of a problem for them. Now if they voted twice that would be a problem. That would just be rude.

             It didn’t happen in any Red state. It didn’t happen in any Blue state. It didn’t happen in states with Republican Governors. It didn’t happen in states with Democratic Governors) [I’m going with a couple of brackets here because I just used parenthetical marks previously and made another paragraph in between them. I’m thinking about hitting the books on that one. I didn’t think about it any longer than that.]

Ω I didn’t get no poll watchers! DARWIN AWARD Seriously, According to Trump he had 50,000 poll watchers/observers/whatever names they were called. There was live streaming video of the election observers. Trump’s lawyers have admitted in court, before the judge, that they had observers present.

Ω Voter fraud. DIDN'T HAPPEN There were minor errors quickly corrected. As a matter of fact, all of the legal challenges that they have filed have yielded no substantive violations of the integrity of the vote or any indication of intentional voter fraud.

Serious Note II:  Some of this myth may come from the approximately ten thousand mail-in ballots received after Nov. 3rd that did not have a legible postmark. The Pennsylvania Supremes ruled that they could be counted. Because it was a screw up by the United States Postal Service that was slowed down by the Trump appointee right before the election. Would you want your vote stolen because of a mistake by the Post Office? The 10,000 votes that Trump is trying to get tossed wouldn’t change the outcome of the vote or the election anyway. Not even close. There wasn’t any fraud here unless some postal worker intentionally screwed up postmarking the envelopes because they knew the ballots inside would favor Biden and Harris. That would take some serious prescience, right there.

Having it both ways.

            There’s a LOT of this going around: Biden announced that he was President and shouldn’t have because Trump called dibs FIRST! Count the votes! Stop counting the votes!

Paula White voted and God was there. TRUE THIS (She’s a spokesperson for the Evangelicals when Pool Boy Falwell Jr. is occupied with other people. Dang! Okay I’m giving myself a CHEAP SHOT on this one. I earned it. I had a hard time thinking of a way to work her in here. There’s a video in circulation of her giving a “sermon” about Trump getting reelected because….God. Well, and some other things but I couldn’t understand what she was saying some of the time.) Assuming God interests himself at all in our politics…

God picked Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Ω The election is being stolen. HAPPENING

            The only person trying to steal this election through fraud, deception, lying and lawyers is….(Drum roll)….President Donald Trump—the man golfing while 1,000 people a day are dying from Covid. Donald Trump the snowflake crybaby whining about losing while hospitals are filling up and people are going on ventilators because of his abject failure. The man trying to have his lawyers run out the clock so his cult can slither in and vote him in when the Electoral College convenes.

            The man elected to be President is Joe Biden. The WOMAN elected to be Vice President is Kamala Harris. They were elected by….

We the People