Monday, June 27, 2022



Oops! I see your oops and raise you an oops.

            Back in the white life again.

The MAGA heads of the Trump Republican Party (TRP) just can’t seem to help themselves. The racism just keeps leaking out. They patch one misspeak hole and another one pops open.

First up

            So, Rep Mary Miller of Illinois, this is the same Mary Miller that quoted Hitler previously, thanked Trump for protecting “white life” by providing the activist Supremes that voted to overturn Roe v. Wade. The predominantly white audience cheered. A spokesperson clarified that she meant to say “right to life.”  Her comment:

“President Trump, on behalf of all the MAGA patriots in America, I want to thank you for the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court yesterday,” she said, drawing cheers from the crowd.

            Okay, she was reading her comments. It’s easy to see how “right to life” could be read as “white life.”  Yes, I’m being a little sarcastic here. Just a little because I have screwed up words from prepared text and left out critical words in writing.

But the crowd cheered.

Did they cheer misspeak?

Next up

            Not one to be outdone, Senator John Cornyn of Texas jumped in with:  "Now do Plessy vs Ferguson/Brown vs Board of Education."

            Now Cornyn really stepped in Twitter doo-doo here because and I know this will sound confusing, Plessy upheld the constitutionality of segregation while Brown undid that decision. What Cornyn was doing was pointing out other court cases that undid precedent only it came out racist. This is why I avoid Twitter. It isn’t for the incautious.

Twitter shows no mercy.

The problem is.

The agenda espoused by the TRP, like the “great replacement theory,” is often racist.[1] That’s why the white nationalists, neo-Nazis, Alt Right, Confederate sympathizers, KKK, etc. joined up with the TRP early on. They understood the message and agenda.

Throughout the Trump Administration years and since, supporters of the TRP keep showing up at racist white nationalist gatherings or, like Trump did after Charlottesville, express initial support for them rather than condemnation.

What has generally happened afterwards is that after facing backlash they will turn around and condemn racism until the next time. When white nationalists were outed as being a part of the Trump Administration they would often leave. Then there are those like Stephen Miller that stayed on.[2] He was the main driver of the Trump Administration’s immigration policies that affected predominantly people of color. The TRP agenda is …

Racist at its core.