Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Hoax vaccine coming soon!


Look to the skies!

            The Trump coronavirus task force has decided that a vaccine isn’t needed after all. Essential oils are going to be distributed to the entire population including bitty small children. It’s going to take a combination of English Leather, lavender, sandalwood, frankincense, WD40, musk, Old Spice, essence of Trump steaks, myrrh, and some proprietary oily stuff that comes off car windows that have been sitting in the sun for years. Some herd mentality chanting will be involved in order to attain maximum effectiveness.

Plan 9.

            The coronavirus is a hoax but Tweety Trump is going to deliver a vaccine for the hoax coronavirus at a cost of several hundred million dollars paid to some bigly rich Big Pharma CEOs so that he can be the savior for the virus that never was and that his devotees won’t take anyway because that would be too controlling and cost them their freedom to be American and holy as the founding fathers intended when they created a nation of slavery that continues until today because Black Lives Don’t Really Matter to them unless they’re getting ready to move into low cost housing and bring down their property values since there will be unstoppable rioting, looting and marauding moved into their neighborhoods with only the mighty Tweety Trump to save us as he’s the only one that can do all these things because the President is all powerful and above the law as are all those that cover for him and commit any illegal acts that he never knew about except hearing that the witch-hunting Dems were after him again at the behest of their behind-the-scenes unknown handlers who are in all likelihood malicious interdimensional travelers like Bob Woodard which doesn’t matter to the probably big surly that will come to Trump with tears in their eyes saying, “Sir, here’s the vaccine that only you could have made possible”.

God Bless America.

Anybody that wants a vaccine can get a vaccine.

            Remember when < Trump said that >, “Anybody that needs a test gets a test”? Said that in March. Wasn’t true then. Isn’t true now. He also said that the tests were perfect. They weren’t. Six months into a pandemic and the nation is still hobbled with inadequate testing.

            Not only that, his administration has cut back on testing support that wasn’t adequate in the first place. Widespread testing for anybody that needed it didn’t happen any more than the travel ban. Trump just says whatever he thinks is selling at the time. People wanted to hear that widespread testing was available so he said that it was. But it wasn’t.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_XwC9IQKBc .

He really doesn’t care.

            It’s immaterial to Trump whether the vaccine works or not. He’s saying it to get re-elected. If it isn’t ready it will be somebody else’s fault anyway because the buck stops anywhere else but with him.

            It’s immaterial to his cult members as well. Good grief, they won’t wear a mask; does anyone really think that they’re going to stick a needle in their arm to get a vaccine for a virus that’s a hoax? These people are a textbook example of what not to do during a global pandemic. They are the zombies of the apocalypse. Their job is to spread the virus while making fun of people. They really don’t care either.

Do you?