Wednesday, September 2, 2020

*Lemming herd immunity.


Not a Lemming.
The Emperors New Clothes!

            Ah! The latest greatest doctor without any pandemic credentials or qualifications provides that latest greatest deux ex machina to solve the pandemic.

Herd Immunity!

Let even more people needlessly die!

Latest Republican chant.

“What do we want!”

“More dead people!”

“When do we want ‘em?”


Boarded up.

This is one of those things that’s almost too stupid to even bother dealing with. Republicans just keep coming up with better ways to make the pandemic worse and kill more people.

200,000 and counting—Not enough for them!

In the simplest of terms trying to attain herd immunity means that LOTS more people would have to catch Covid-19 and as a result more people will die. LOTS. Dying means NOT living any more. It’s the opposite of living. This should not be a tough concept to understand.

I shudder to think what this pandemic would have been like if the virus had a higher mortality rate.

Here’s the kicker.

Herd immunity might not even be possible to attain.

It might NOT work at all or for long.

Some viruses mutate, meaning that they change. They become different. It’s why we keep needing different flu vaccines. The flu virus mutates. It changes. What works against one virus does not work against another.

Reinfections of Covid-19 are already occurring. VERIFIED reinfections.

Variations of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the virus that causes Covid-19, are already being tracked.

Actual scientists, ones that don’t believe in killing as many men, women and children as possible, aren’t yet able to determine how long immunity may last, let alone know if long term immunity is even possible.

Thoughts and prayers!

            Whatever happens just know that you have the thoughts and prayers of the Evangelical Party of the Chosen One. When you go over that final cliff of life they will be with you, spiritually cheering you on to a better ending even if you linger a while.

Whatever happens ….

…. Just remember that President Trump accepts no responsibility! You’re on your own. It’s the fault of those crazy alien demon sperm believing doctors that he hired.

The losers!

 *BTW, Lemmings don’t actually commit mass suicide.