Monday, September 7, 2020

Dreams of Glory!

Spreading the good news of Jesus?

            So far in the Covid-19 outbreak in Maine 147 people and 3 deaths have been linked to a
wedding reception. Emphasis on so far. The numbers keep going up. The county jail was hit with a major outbreak. A member of the staff there attended the wedding. The outbreak also spread to a rehab center and school from links to the wedding.


            Pastor Todd Bell of the Calvary Baptist Church officiated the wedding. He’s an outspoken mask avoider that flies around in a plane because God called him to fly around in a plane spreading the Jesus good news of Trump while spreading death and disease. He had flown in from out of town to officiate the wedding. Pastor Bell said that he didn’t expect to get Covid-19 at a beautiful event like a wedding. Six families from his church also attended the wedding.

            The Pastor’s church continues to hold normal services. Anyone attending the services has been exposed as well as those that went to bible school.

            So the good pastor has managed to spread the virus to several communities in doing God’s work. He’s responsible now for the largest single coronavirus outbreak in Maine.

            The Evangelicals are doing this on a national scale. The families of the dead people should hold Pastor Todd and HIS church accountable. The communities where they knowingly and intentionally spread the virus should hold them accountable.

Side note.

            I shared the below clip from the Rachel Maddow Show. Basically she says words matter and who is saying them matters. There is a video clip of el Presidente giving a speech about church attendance and Dems doing away with churches. (I had to back up the video of him saying the word citizen. He didn’t quite pull it off. The guy has problems.) RMS

It’s the Socialist Dems!

            In case you missed the RNC it’s the Dems that are wanting to keep people from going to church. It’s a Dem socialist agenda item to kill the church. (BTW Jesus was a socialist before socialism was invented. I wrote about that here.

            Jesus was seriously ahead of his times. That was and is the real Jesus. A Jesus that cares about people. Not the Jesus of Pharisees like Pastor Todd Bell. Jesus isn’t about killing people, especially before they’ve had a chance to experience his love.

Dreams of glory!

            It’s those like Pastor Todd Bell and Pool Boy Falwell Jr. that are driving people from the church. They’re good at it.

They want to run the country.