Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Written Off


Bad to worse.

When I was in the Army I had the opportunity to serve with a number of Viet Nam veterans even though I lucked out and didn’t go there during my four year hitch. One story told by a vet stands out, at least for me.

He was a ground pounder and his unit had been ambushed by the VC while on patrol. The incoming fire was so intense that they couldn’t even raise their weapons to fire back.

There were choppers circling overhead but the fire was too intense for them to attempt to land and extract them. Their radio man was still alive and able to communicate. They heard their commander write them off over an open mic. There was nothing that they could do. In other words they were abandoned to their fate.

Since I was talking to the guy and we were in Korea I knew that he had made it out. When asked what he and the others did he said that they fought like they had been abandoned. They returned fire. They lost good men. Some of them managed to fight their way out.

Blue states and cities.

            I hear the courageous Draft Avoiding President Trump on a regular basis write off “Dem” (Blue) cities and states. Let them go. Leave to their own devices. Withhold aid. Insult the entire state, cities and people because they’re blue.

            He’s the Commander in Chief of writing off everyone including the Republican cult members that live there. He and the Republican Party have been doing it for years. They don’t eliminate health care for Dems. They eliminate health care for everyone.


            That’s what Trump did in his approach to the pandemic. He abandoned everyone in order to improve his reelection chances. EVERYONE. Dems, Republicans, Evangelicals, Cult members, men women and children. Trump did this knowing how deadly the virus was. Trump LIED to EVERYONE.

            He did so with the support of Republican Senators, House Members and Governors like Parson here in Missouri. They not only went along with his duplicity, they aided in the cover up. They also know how deadly the virus is. That’s why Republican Congressional members, like the President, get tested on a regular basis. They protect themselves.

            These are NOT the kind of men and women that will be followed into battle.

 They lead from the rear.