Friday, August 28, 2020

The Rose Garden.

        I’m reminded of the words from a song. I never promised you a rose garden.

        First Lady Melania Trump redid the Rose Garden before the RNC Convention. If you haven’t seen any before and after pictures you should do a search and look at some. It was stunningly beautiful before.

        It strikes me that what Melania did to the Rose Garden is a metaphor for the Trump Administration. She took something that has been beautiful for decades and destroyed it. She made it austere. She moved the trees and took away all the beautiful vibrant living color. The changes made did help facilitate the handling of the campaign rally being held at the White House.

It’s what they do.

        The Trump Administration destroys and ruins. Like they have hollowed out Democracy and made it broken, unfeeling, without vibrancy or humanity. Trump is like an evil Chauncey Gardiner

The Rose Garden now reflects their bleak countenance.

Laws are for little people.

        There’s been a lot of talk about the Chosen One’s Administration committing flagrant Hatch violations. Not really a big deal for this Administration other than doing so always grabs headlines without anything happening other than ‘oh look they’re breaking the law again.’ There is no actual punishment for such violations. (There actually is supposed to be a punishment for violating the Hatch Act. A federal employee who does so is supposed to lose their job. But since the people in charge are the ones causing numerous employees to break the law, they are also in charge of not enforcing it. Sweet deal.) The Senate Republicans had a chance to stop all of his illegal acts and, like the President himself, accepted no responsibility. Instead they, like his other followers, have supported his every evil despotic whim.

It’s what they do.