Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Let’s kill some people.

    So far the most consistent response concerning the pandemic from Republicans from President Trump down to the local level has been to kill some people. Republican Governor Mike Parson has proven to be no exception when it comes to putting kids, oldsters and others on the front line, ignoring science and refusing to do what’s necessary to control the pandemic. Instead he plays to the lowest common denominator of the conspiracy-loving, science-rejecting Republican base.

 This from Missouri Republican Governor Mike Parson:

"They're at the lowest risk possible," Parson said of children. "And if they do get COVID-19, which they will — and they will when they go to school — they're not going to the hospitals. They're not going to have to sit in doctor's offices. They're going to go home, and they're going to get over it."


Then Missouri Republican Governor Parson clarified his remarks:

“We need to do everything we can to make it safe when they go back to school, and that we are ready when the day comes and somebody comes in and they test positive."


What he really meant.

FAKE thoughts attributed to Republican Governor ‘Let ‘em Die’ Parson:  Gosh! That didn’t sound good at all. That makes me sound like a heartless bastard. I need to say something to dress those comments up a little since I need to keep up the appearance of being pro sanctity of life. It won’t change anything but the base will eat it up!  End of fake thoughts attributed to Republican Governor ‘Let ‘em Die’ Parson!


Let’s unpack this.

    His clarification had nothing to do with what he said. Here’s what he acknowledged:

    SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus) is real.

This is actually a major breakthrough. Lots of Republicans still maintain that it’s a hoax so at least he’s acknowledging that it’s real.

    Children will get it while attending school.

Parson was unequivocal about this. He accepts the virus is contagious and can be spread.

    Children won’t die from it.

He’s wrong. Believe it or not, some parents will actually take their children to the doctor. Some children do end up in hospitals. Children do die from COVID-19. Children can have lasting ill health effects from COVID-19.


Not packed.

    Here is what Republican Governor ‘Let ‘em Die’ Parson didn’t “clarify” but acknowledged with his acceptance of the danger SARS-CoV-2 presents to the public.


    The children will take COVID-19 home to their loved ones and others.

SARS-CoV-2 isn’t restricted to oldsters. Anyone can get it.

    People will die from it.

Republican Governor ‘Let ‘em Die’ Parson knows that he will be killing people because he knows that people are dying from the disease. So just to “clarify” this is the pre-meditated murder part of his opening up the schools. He’s perfectly alright with killing some men, women and children.

Missouri is currently seeing an upsurge in hospitalizations and deaths.

All aboard!

    Sadly there are at least 30 million sanctity of life Republicans who are supporting the agenda of the Trump Administration. Republican Governor ‘Let ‘em Die’ Parson has been with his Ducé every step of the way. Dead people will pay for his allegiance to the Republican Party line. Change is possible but will it come?

    In the upcoming election Missourians will have the opportunity to make some changes but will the land of racist Confederate flag wavers outnumber those who seek a better state and country? Will they continue to destroy America and throw in with killing some more people in order to please their glorious Ducé?

Or will enough people vote to get rid of these hucksters?

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