Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Why is it more personal this time?


2016 versus 2020

    I have realized, at least in part, why this election has become so personal for so many with this President. President Trump has made it personal. In this pandemic President Trump, the Liar, is a very direct threat to everyone, including his own supporters.

    I have friends and family that are Trump supporters. I don’t want them dead or sick either. For whatever reason they support a man that is knowingly putting their lives, all of our lives, at additional risk during a pandemic. He is with malice and forethought intentionally killing people. A pandemic that he only takes seriously as it applies to him, his health, his safety and his chances for being reelected. It’s why he and all those around him are regularly tested. He knows that the virus is not a hoax.

    What he wants his core base of followers to believe is another matter entirely.

Kill you!

    When I’m out and see a conservative Trump supporter not wearing a mask in a crowd I recognize that they are an intentional direct threat to people. To confront them is to only increase the risk to oneself and others. Death from the Trump Virus isn’t a pleasant death. It’s a hard, damaging struggle. Ignorance can’t be argued with, only dealt with in the best way possible. The best way isn’t always possible.

Friends of friends.

    So yes, it’s personal. Someone putting my family and friends in danger is personal. And it’s going to be even more personal when one or more of us comes down with COVID-19 and at worst dies. Every day it comes a little closer now. Stories are coming up in social media, Facebook for me, of knowing people personally that have it. No one on my small list of friends yet but friends of theirs have come down with COVID-19.

    Here in southwestern Missouri hospitalizations and deaths are on the rise just as they are in many other parts of the nation. The country will receive the hit from the quarter of a million Sturgis biker crowd within the next couple of weeks or so. More deaths will follow.

Before this is over you’ll know someone directly that died from the virus.

You’re funny….

    Trump supporters are laughing at and making fun of people that are wearing masks. It’s happened to me. It’s happened to friends. It’s happening all over the internet. Why? Why is that? 175,000 people dead and people that are trying to slow down the pandemic are being ridiculed by Trump supporters. If you wonder why, just go to practically any news article about wearing masks and you will see some stunningly ignorant comments from Conservative Trump supporters. Why is that?

Because that is what the President does.

Chosen One encourage them. They know what they are doing.

    He ridicules people. He makes fun of people. He name calls. He lies. It’s what he does. He did it in his book. He’s going to keep doing it. He makes fun of the common person. He makes fun of the famous. He ridicules his own people. He makes fun of his opponents.

    Why? Because his supporters eat the stuff up. They can’t get enough of it. They cheer him when he does it. They laugh at his vulgar jokes. They laugh when he makes fun of people. They laughed at a rally where a supporter said that immigrants should be shot. He encourages the worst of humanity. He’s the President and has made it okay for them to act out their basest of crude desires. It’s what he does with the Trump Virus.

White power!

    He’s made acting ugly being great. He’s made being white great again. It’s okay now to be a racist because the President of the United States is! White Power! World Wide! The President of the United States of America shared a video tweet of a white guy in a golf cart yelling “White Power.” Perfect imagery. The racist President claimed afterwards that he didn’t know. It’s what he does.

    That’s okay. His racist base knows. They know and they believe. Some of them are very fine people. Just ask the President. He has them working for him.

But wait!

    If Trump is a racist then aren’t his supporters also racist by default since they idolize him? It’s okay. He says that he isn’t so neither are they! Whew! Close one. Except he’s a racist like his Daddy was before him. And a draft avoider like his Granddaddy. Can a racist be supported and their supporter not be racist?

    People contended that George Wallace wasn’t a racist. He was. His own family says that he was. His actions were racist. His language was racist. His accomplishments were racist. His support was racist. People saying that he wasn’t a racist doesn’t change what he was.

What about all the people that Trump’s killing?

    In regards to whose lives he’s putting at risk he doesn’t discriminate and he’s non-denominational. That’s where my friends and family comes in. Now I don’t know that any of them have gone so far as to want to inject disinfectant but just wanting to do anything  dangerous that would indicate they believe the Trump virus is deadly. Supposedly they don’t believe it is except when it is.

    He isn’t alone in causing people to die. He has the complete support of the Republican Party, the Republicans of Congress, the Evangelical Party and all the racist organizations that I usually group up under the heading of White Supremacists et al.


    It’s tricky figuring out how many people have died needlessly because of the complete and utter failure of President Trump and his administration. Typically the number crunchers are projecting end numbers from the tens of thousands to over a hundred thousand. In the end, from what I’m reading they’re going to come out low.

    All across the globe a consensus is developing that COVID-19 deaths have been under counted by a factor of around ten times. In under-developed countries is where this higher number will be most applicable. In our country the number will undoubtedly be lower. It will still end up being a much larger number range than what we’re currently seeing. Across the nation the increase in the usual number of deaths recorded is around 50,000.

How many did the President kill….

    …. and when did he start killing them?

    Trump started laying the groundwork for increasing deaths from a pandemic when he first took office. He began dismantling the federal government leaving no facet undamaged. He did it by wasting 3 ½ years. Instead of the very best people he appointed people that were either incompetent or whose goal was to do as much damage as they could because they were on record with their opposition.

    All this turned out to be especially critical in a pandemic where a coordinated federal response was needed in a variety of departments and disciplines. Even something as simple as getting checks to people was beyond the capability of what remained of government at the federal level. We saw the most obvious example of this in just getting adequate testing and contact tracing. We still don’t have adequate responses in either area.

    What did President Trump accomplish? Well, he cut back Federal support of testing because he thinks that it makes HIM look bad.

    Really he was causing people to die needlessly from the very beginning of when the pandemic first hit the media radar, when he said that it was under control and going to disappear. Technically he may be right as the virus keeps mutating. Viruses are wont to do that and the Trump Virus is no different. Except different demographics are now becoming more susceptible.

Ignorance kills.

    He really counted on the blind following of his supporters that really don’t care if he does shoot someone. Whatever he tells them they believe. He won’t wear a mask so they won’t wear a mask. It’s still a “Democratic hoax!” Even with 175,000 dead so far he has followers that believe this right along with the media blowing things all out of proportion. (That is a different number than the one at the beginning. In the time that I took to write this that many more people died.) The talking heads of his state-sponsored media Fox Pravda supported whatever he said during this critical time so they also have a piece of the death toll.

    When the death toll goes past a quarter of a million Americans there will be a change in how non-maskers are treated. Bikers may need some public relations work to address the damage that they did at Sturgis if people tie increased hospitalizations to their visit. And by damage I mean the innocent people that they killed as a result of their self-indulgence.

5th Avenue.

    If someone were to stand on 5th Avenue and started shooting people with a gun they would be stopped if possible by any means necessary. They would probably be killed, especially if they were black. People not wearing masks and maintaining physical distancing is spreading the Trump Virus and killing people. It just isn’t as immediate.

It is what it is.


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