Sunday, August 1, 2021

CRT Hoax

Born to be

            Critical Race Theory (CRT) is like massive voter fraud or Sharia law being imposed upon the land or the pandemic is a hoax or climate change isn’t real or the Big Lie. It’s a Republican drum-beating non-issue that they sell to the awesomely gullible who are willing to believe anything that their party serves up for their consumption like the insurrection at the Capitol was just another day of tourism.

            While I’m at it, the only way that Trump could replace President Biden before the next election is if there is a successful coup d’etat. That he can somehow come back is something else his brainwashed followers believe even though there is no Constitutional provision for reinstatement of a President that LOST the election. These folks are NOT the sharpest tools in the shed. This is just another example of their truly impressively Olympic-level gullibility.

They high dived into the shallow end.

When everything old

            CRT is NOT new. It got its start back in the mid-70s and has become different things to different people. It started out with some American legal scholars and evolved from there. It does not make Americans hate America any more than our history of slaughtering the indigenous native population does. It’s our history just like slavery is a part of our history right along with working children in mines and denying women the vote. The Civil War is a part of our history as well. Republicans stand up for the monuments to the Confederate slavers. That’s the history they want glorified. CRT gets in the way of that. We shouldn’t glorify our racist history any more than Germans should glorify Hitler.

History teaches us possibilities.

            I’m not going to bother going into great detail about what CRT is and isn’t. It’s pointless. It is being taught in law schools and college level courses mainly because it gets real technical. There’s already all sorts of fake bullshit links on the internet just like all the anti-vaccine and anti-climate change garbage that’s out there. It's what Republicans do through the power of disinformation—a Trump favorite. In the opposition to CRT the right wing is portraying white people as the victims.

            What I personally find ironic is that CRT is critical of the approach of liberalism. (I’ll tell you right now that a lot of five dollar words are bandied about in this discussion.) Suffice it to say that Critical Race Theory deals with the historical racism and all of its manifestations that exists in this country and I no longer argue that there is no such thing as systemic racism. The preponderance of evidence is just too high.

I want finish up on a religious note.

Jesus wasn’t a racist. In this country he would be a victim of it.