Saturday, August 7, 2021

They’re here.


They’re here.

(Think Poltergeist.) 

Life in the Ozarks

            Life is cheap here in the Ozarks. The majority of people now dying are unvaccinated.

            A coroner in Missouri has been leaving Covid off of death certificates if the family objects. Even in death these people are in denial. Kind of amazing really. Others that are getting the vaccine only if they can do so in private so no one else will know. That way they can maintain their anti-vaxxer status. It’s a matter of have the right priorities.

            When they get Covid around here they like to go to parties. Nothing says loving caring friendship like giving Covid to others. If they go ahead and die it was “their time.” People wearing masks are few and far between. They have the unfettered freedom to kill others and it’s encouraged by Republicans.

Fundamental Divide

            It’s hard to talk about being lucky or dodging a bullet when we have 615,000 deaths from Covid-19 but it could have been far worse by now and if always Trumpers succeed it could end up being far worse yet. Several polls have now indicated that at least 30% of Republicans say that they won’t get the vaccine. A few hundred thousand dead aren’t enough to convince them that the nation is confronting a serious problem yet. Enough people aren’t dropping dead right in front of them.

Ignorance kills.

 The Herd

            This country will NOT get past 80% vaccinated. What that means is that there will be other more deadly variants that arise. Eventually one will pop that the vaccines won’t work for and a few hundred thousand more people will die needlessly. And that’s if the mortality rate stays under 5%. Otherwise we’re talking millions right here in America.

            In the beginning the Trumpers said that they were willing to accept the losses because they wanted “herd immunity.” They wanted herd immunity without vaccines or having to wear masks so that it would spread faster. That would have resulted in a couple of million deaths minimum Now that we have the actual option of achieving herd immunity through vaccinations they are opposing getting vaccinated thereby ruining the opportunity to achieve the herd immunity that they advocated originally.

Not enough people died for them

The variants are here.

            Every step of the way the always Trumpers have made the effects of the pandemic worse, far worse, than they needed to be resulting in a couple of hundred thousand needless deaths. Trump is gone but the always Trumpers are still at it. Even though his incompetence of handling the pandemic is a direct cause of him losing the election his incompetence lives on. He caused the deaths of too many people. Including too many of his own supporters.

            Variants of the corona virus continue to spread at an alarming rate caused in no small part by the ant-maskers still refusing to take the virus seriously. The longer that the virus is kept in widespread circulation the more likely it is that a more lethal variant that the vaccine does not provide protection from will arise. One such more lethal variant, the Delta variant, is already in circulation. So far it looks like the current vaccine still provides some protection.

Variants kill.

             The Republican pro-life death squads have locked us into a cycle of masking, vaccines and death for the next year. So, victory for them.

            On the plus side Big Pharma is going to make a killing.

So there’s that.