Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Crazy is as Crazy does


Money Train

            I think that Republicans have made a tactical decision to drag out the pandemic as long as they can. Their continued support of no masking or vaccine mandates the pandemic will linger and raises the possibility that a variant will arise that will force another lockdown.

            That’s cold-blooded. But they are after all the Republican Death Cult (RDC). They’ve already racked up a few hundred thousand needless deaths through their anti-vaxxing/anti-masking positions so what are a few hundred thousand more to them.

            More importantly for them though is that they have also made hundreds of millions of dollars in donations off of their incredibly gullible base of true believers.

            An aside.

            All kidding aside I almost feel sorry for the Lindell guy. I get the feeling he’s being grifted for millions and his court costs are going to be astronomical. I said almost. I think that he is a true believer and his enablers keep moving the goal posts for him. That’s how they keep the money train running down the tracks.

             The heads of the misinformation dissemination organizations are millionaires because of all the believing rubes. It’s a market that’s tens of millions people deep. I’m reminded of the old phrase about fools and their money. The Republican Pro-Life Death Cult has made hundreds of millions off of pushing the fallacy that the election was stolen and to not vaccinate. Rubes and advertisers send them their money.

There are real world costs for all this deceit.


            While there’s good money to be made in the conspiracy world there is also death. A Q Anon believer killed his two sons because of one of their whacked out fantasy theories. This is an extreme example but shows that there are and have been real world consequences to all of these fake theories. Representative Greene is one of their followers. There are other followers in congress as well. People stormed our Capitol because of Trump’s Big Lie that the election was stolen. Q Anon believers were there as well.

            People all over the country and throughout social media are spouting absolute gibberish garbage as facts that they sincerely believe. They feed each other a steady diet of recycled waste.

Lives are being shattered with this crap.

For reals

            A woman at the Trump rally held in Alabama was interviewed and said that she sincerely believed that Trump was going to announce that he was actually the President and had never left the White House. She sincerely believes that. There are millions more just like her.

            It’s the same people that are taking veterinarian deworming meds to combat the virus rather than simply getting vaccinated. There are real world consequences to this lunacy. These people are seriously challenged mentally. They need therapy in addition to the vaccines.

Therapy and deprogramming.