Thursday, June 17, 2021

One six



            1/6 hasn’t entered the lexicon of common usage yet like 9/11 has. You mention 9/11 and people automatically know what you’re talking about. 1/6 isn’t there yet. If Republicans have their way it won’t be. Like Pence says, “I will not allow Democrats or their allies in the media to use one tragic day to discredit the aspirations of millions of Americans. Or allow Democrats or their allies in the media to distract our attention from a new administration intent on dividing our country to advance their radical agenda. My fellow Republicans, for our country, for our future, for our children and our grandchildren, we must move forward, united.” This from the guy that Trump supporters were shouting that they wanted to hang. They tried and failed. 

Losers. Losers all.

            Loser Pence, Loser Trump and the Republican Party would rather have people believe that it wasn’t their traitor supporters that sacked the Capitol and also that it really wasn’t that big of a deal. Hell, even Vladimir Putin thinks that the poor losers are being picked on. Fox Pravda certainly thinks it’s much ado about nothing. So because of Trumpsters, for the first time in 220 years, there was no peaceful transfer of power AND people tried to stage a coup with the help of their Republican Representatives and Senators that voted against accepting the vote of “We the People” AND some people died AND some police were assaulted AND 140 police officers were injured AND over a million dollars in property was damaged. Really!

What’s the big deal?!


            Republicans don’t want 1/6 investigated by congress like the 9/11 Commission because the trails lead back to high-level Republicans. It isn’t about politics. It is about fear. Fear that too many Republican elected officials and operatives helped stage the coup attempt. They provided logistical support. They gave tours beforehand to familiarize the traitors with the layout. Republicans from around the country participated. Republican elected officials participated. Conservative cops participated. Conservative service members participated. All the major racist organizations participated. Evangelicals were there in body as well as spirit. They support the Big Liar Loser. And that’s the Republicans real problem. Too many trails lead back to the poorest Loser in history—Loser Trump.

Soft coup

            Personally I think that Republicans are making a tactical mistake. A 1/6 Commission would help keep the attention off of their ongoing soft coup attempt. This would be their rigging the vote in every state that is possible while they pursue a Constitutional Convention to rewrite the Constitution like it should be. You know the original Constitution. They’ve got the Supremes to help them. The same name as a popular group of women of color singers. Irony.

 Salt of the earth

            There is a constant in history. People that are kept down long enough will eventually rise up. Sometimes they lose. Sometimes things get worse. Sometimes they win. We have 40 million plus people in this country living in poverty and tens of millions more unable to ever get ahead. We have an oppressed economic class. There are millions of immigrants serving as economic slave labor. Muslims are being oppressed in this country along with Asians and people of color as well as other minority groups. People are being crushed by debt. Conservatives don’t want the poor to have health care. White and Christian Nationalists are pushing to make things to get worse. They want to start throwing women that seek abortions in jail. They want to be able to discriminate against LGBTQ people. This a short list of the evil they would do.

            Republicans are working hard for the richest part of our society at the expense of all the rest of us. They have America wounded and on the ropes.

Republicans are rubbing salt in the wounds.

Catbird seat.

            The Loser Trump, along with his Republican enablers is at it again.

            Along with continuing to promote “The Big Lie” The Loser is now claiming that he will be back in office as President in August. There is NO Constitutional provision for that to happen. None. So what is this monumental Loser advocating? Well, he’s encouraging his fellow traitors to do it again. He’s advocating another a coup attempt. Since his treasonous supporters are already backing the Big Lie another insurrection is the obvious next step.

Coup on coupin’ on.