Friday, January 29, 2021

We are there


Civil War sounds so ugly.

            There is no “civil” war. It is decidedly uncivil.

            There was no “peaceful transfer of power.” Trump saw to that. The failure of the mob to accomplish his goals quietened him. Goals that were discussed at a Trump Tower meeting the day before. Goals to attempt a coup and overturn the vote of “We the People.”

            But only temporarily.

Soft Civil War

            We are engaged in Civil War already. It’s a soft Civil War with relatively few deaths. So far. January 6th was another trial run just like the attacks at state Capitols. Probing. Checking things out. We came within a hairsbreadth of losing the Republic. Five lives were lost that day. One hundred forty Capitol Police were injured, some severely. Injuries that they will carry for a lifetime.

            The lawful vote of the election was rejected by the majority of Republicans with cries of non-existent voter fraud giving them an excuse to condone the violence, egged on by an immoral President.

            The people that they convinced stormed the Capitol to stop the vote count that was taking place.

True believers. True Trumpers. True MAGATrump SEDITIONISTS. Not Country. Not Party. Trump. 

His immorality is their immorality.

Treason for Dummies

            Who are these people; the people that reject our Republic and democracy?

            Who would the majority of these people be? Would they be the same people that believe every filthy made up conspiracy that White Supremacists pump out? Would they be the followers of the made-up Q? How about every racist organization that was represented in the mob that trashed the Capitol? The ones that believe President Obama is Muslim and isn’t a natural-born citizen? The criminals that showed up at state Capitols with long guns to intimidate legislators when Trump asked for liberation? Every seditious MAGA Trump (MAGAT) supporter that believes every lie they’ve been told by people like Cruz, Hawley, McCarthy, Q, Greene, White Supremacists, Confederates, Russians, Proud Boys, militias, Giuliani and Trump?

            The answer?

All of the above.

 “Stand back and stand by!”

            That’s what Trump said to the Proud Boys. Then he turned them loose on the Capitol to try and overturn the vote of “We the People”. They looked for people to harm, to kidnap and to kill.

            When Senator Cruz was speaking to the Senate he claimed that 39 % of Americans believe the vote was rigged. Well, duh. Practically every Republican leader in the country has been promoting that lie for literally months. Trump promoted that lie before the vote even took place. He promoted that lie after he won the 2016 election.

            While the inauguration was taking place Trump jetted to his summer palace. His last act as President was a non-act. He hung his MAGAT-heads out to dry by not giving them pardons. And on top of that he condemned (faintly) the violence of the insurrection that he encouraged. MAGAT-heads will face the courts. Trump will face the golf course. That’s his

“Trial by combat.”