Monday, February 1, 2021

Yes it is

This is NOT who we are!

            Trump lost Biden won. MAGATrump Heads don’t believe it. If they were the least bit interested in the truth they wouldn’t be following Trump. It’s why they staged a coup.

            I have watched a lot of video of the Republican MAGATrump Head insurrectionists trashing the Capitol to overturn the vote of “We the People.” One video that I watched bears mentioning. A MAGAT supporter was telling his fellow seditionists, “This isn’t who we are!” as they ran by him on the steps of the Capitol.

Has he never been to a Trump rally?

            The crowd of MAGAT insurrectionists at the Capitol was exactly like those that attend every Trump rally. The crowd out front claiming that it was a peaceful demonstration were providing cover for their thug comrades. Same signs. Same messages. Same T-shirts. Same racists present. Their tyranny dressed in the colors of the government that they would overthrow.

The poop was different.

            Okay, okay I’ll give you that the MAGAT Heads didn’t usually play with their poop at Trump rallies. That was new. They saved that behavior for the Capitol. Evidently the coup planners didn’t think that providing Port a Potties was necessary. #1. Storm Capitol. #2. Poop on floors.

            At least they didn’t share selfies of them doing it.

So there’s that.


            The horned fur hat wearing, bare chested, face painted, howling, Q believing MAGAT Head shaman along with the camouflaged geared up Proud Boys are quintessential representatives of the willful ignorance of the traitors to our nation. They wave patriotic symbols while trashing Democracy because it doesn’t support the beliefs they hold sacred. Beliefs like White Nationalism and racism.

            MAGAT Heads support what happened at the Capitol and turn against any of their seditious brethren that don’t go along. The violent mob we saw….

Is exactly either who they are or who they want to be.

Try and focus

            In a video of a focus group of MAGAT supporters that didn’t attend the coup attempt they all but one expressed sympathy for those that trashed the Capitol. The same holds true for the majority of comments posted by MAGAT Heads in comments about the insurgency. They were there in spirit and probably would have gone too but their guns were at the cleaners.

            The surprise to me is that they were almost uniform in their condemnation of Vice President Pence. Now I think in general Pence is at the very top of the list when it comes to obsequious sycophants to EX President Trump. He practically fawns on Trump. I’m surprised he’s able to meet him without his wife being present. They’re as loyal to Trump’s followers as he is. You know—the ones that he didn’t pardon or help with their legal expenses. After all….

These are tough times for billionaires.

How do they know?

            Not a surprise that none of the focus group followed mainstream news. None. Only one of the group watched Fox Pravda and that was only the opinion sideshows. Several pointed out that they don’t know who to believe and ‘trust no one’ was also real popular. They don’t trust anyone. Well, except for their fellow MAGAT Heads that also don’t trust anyone. Kind of a loop there.

            BTW it was Fox Lawyers defending their network in court that claimed their talking head Carlson wasn’t a journalist and couldn’t be trusted. Their talking heads in general have a flexible relationship with the truth on their best days. On most days they just lie. This isn’t good enough for the MAGAT Heads. They know what they already know that they have been told that they know. They want their truth that is lies 24/7/365.

            Based upon what they “knew” they not only trashed the Capitol in an attempted coup they trashed 224 years of having a peaceful transfer of power.

So where does what they “know” come from exactly?

            They know that they believed Trump’s messaging from the very beginning. They don’t want anyone telling them what to do about anything except for Trump and he says trust no one! He tells them that what they believe is righteous. It’s okay to be loud and crude. They are right to want walls to keep out other races and religions. It’s okay to call people of color animals, rapists and criminals. Money comes before everything! Life included. There is no class warfare because they’re the only class that matters. The world that Trump wants is the world that they want. Even though Trump never lets them into his daily world he validates what they want to believe and can’t have. It isn’t about policy. They want subservience. They want intimidation. It’s about power. White power.

They know what they know.

The rally cry

            MAGAT Heads believe what the collective believes. The collective believes Trump. Trump believes Trump.

“We are Trump!”