Monday, January 25, 2021

Q-Errific says


I was duped!

            The dazzling representative of “Q” says through his lawyer that he was duped by President Trump. Hard to believe, I know. His shamanness, according to his lawyer, wanted a pardon from the President because he did what Trump wanted them to do—ransack the Capitol and try to find certain members of congress along with Vice President Pence to do them harm.

Trial by combat!

            His shamanness is one of the spokespeople of the millions of MAGA insurrectionists, thousands of whom ransacked the Capitol for Trump. The nonexistent “Q” that nobody has seen or knows is the Q, identified the Q or knows if the Q is real. But MAGA terrorists nevertheless follow the Q and the bizarre conspiracy theories espoused by the unknown Q. Since nobody can verify the existence of Q what Q says is never questioned especially since Q has been proven completely wrong by none other than…


            (I’m unsure of what Q’s pronouns are. I’m guessing Russian.)

            I understand that the above may have been a little hard to follow but that’s the nature of Q. Personally I lean towards the shaman actually being Q but the ‘doesn’t eat nonorganic food’ seems a little snowflaky and out of sync with the armed camo-tactical-gear-wearing Republican MAGA seditionists, but HEY that’s Q.


            The reality is that President Trump could have pardoned all of the seditionists just like President Carter pardoned all of the draft evaders. Trump didn’t though. He only encouraged them to ransack the capitol to try and overturn the vote of “We the People” and said that he would go with them. He didn’t. He watched. That’s what he does. He’s a voyeur, not a doer. Besides his bone spurs were probably acting up that day. Instead he denounced them for doing what he incited them to do. Classy. Real classy.

Treason is hard.

            Millions of MAGA seditionists are simpatico with the horned wonder. Kind of poetic really. A spokesperson for Trump, dressed appropriately enough with horns. Evangelicals eat your hearts out. Not literally please! Perhaps I need to be a tad more careful. These people are impressionable as they are gullible. It’s a shame that there isn’t an Olympic category.

            Did Trump ever let any of his supporters, horned or otherwise, stay overnight at the White House? Mar-a-Lago? The reality is that he considers these cosplaying supporters of his only worthy of manipulating, not socializing with. He prefers tens.

            Looks can be deceiving. The crowd was Middle America. Doesn’t matter. They weren’t welcome at his White House or Mar-a-Lago either. Not the crowd that he runs with. Make that walks with. Bone spurs you know. After all he has his standards. Just ask his horned spokesman. No not that one. The other one.

            Perhaps more of Trump’s supporters will wake up to the fact that they have been used and abused by their Liar. That seventy four million people that voted for him could be reduced by as much as a couple of hundred people at least that have come to realize that they have been had.


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