Sunday, July 11, 2021

Neo Jesus


            Pack up your bags.

            Pack up your cares and woes. There’s a new Jesus in town and he doesn’t tolerate snowflakes. He’s the Conservative Evangelical Republican Jesus. He’s got a new way of doing things. He took the blue pill and now he has skin on.

            New Jesus believes that white people have dominion over all others.

            He is anti-immigrant. He’s down at the border kicking ass and taking names! He’s taking children away from their families and splitting families up. He’s the ‘show no mercy’ Jesus.

            He says take care of the rich first! The rich shall inherit the earth.

            He regrets not mocking the 5,000 looking for a free meal.

            The new Jesus loves him some money.

            He carried a torch in Charlottesville. He’s carrying a grudge against the Jews about that whole crucifixion thing.

            He is against telling the truth. He supports the “Big Lie” that Trump won. Trump’s his main man.

            He is against LGBTQIA+ people. (The bible is full of scripture of Jesus saying that he hates gay people.)

            New Jesus is pro-plague and against vaccines.

            He is pro-guns and a supporter of the second amendment just as he was a supporter of Rome killing trouble-making Christians.

            Here’s the ‘good news’. If you’re a liberal, New Jesus says….

Bye Bye!

Stepping forward

            Is the above Jesus real? Was Jesus an asshole? Is that how the biblical Jesus would act in today’s world?

            How about packing up the New Republican Conservative Evangelical Jesus that supports all of the evil manifestations mentioned above. How about recognizing the hypocrisy of the Pharisee bible-thumping Republicans whose ideology and theology Jesus would never support any more than he would support the Caesar of Rome.

            In other words taxing the rich and raising the minimum wage would support the poor. Jesus would be okay with that.  Same for universal health care and an education. No one going to bed hungry in the wealthiest nation in the world would be a Jesus goal. He would feed and care for brown immigrants seeking a better life and safe haven. These things would benefit everyone. Well to be honest not the rich and mega rich. Not those dependent upon economic slave labor.

            Will the red pill Jesus step forward? That’s the Neo Jesus we need.

It’s time.