Sunday, December 17, 2023

Tremendous Evidence! Tremendous!

(2-minute read)

If doing it was as easy as saying it, we would have a lot more heroes.  Sometimes just trying is enough.

All will be revealed.

            Inuendo, conspiracy theories, make believe stories, and lies are not evidence. 

            Take the Hunter Biden investigation as just one small example.  MAGA Comer and other MAGA Republicans talk about the mountains of evidence that they have against President Biden and his son Hunter.[1]  Mountains!  They tell us. 

What MAGA Republicans have after 5 years of investigation is stacks of paper.  Stacks and stacks of paper.  Stacks of bank records.  Stacks of testimony transcripts.  Tremendous stacks of paper.  Not evidence of wrongdoing.[2]  Their own witnesses that they have called to testify have verified that they have no actual evidence.[3]  Just like they went through 4 years of a Trump Administration and never had a health plan that they talked constantly about.

            MAGA makes the same not supported claims of evidence about Orange Jesus not losing the 2020 election.  MAGA has had ample opportunity to present actual evidence to the courts.  They provided nothing, zip, nada to substantiate their outrageous claims.  Yet MAGA still claims that they have evidence and the loyal dupes of Orange Jesus believe what they’re not being told other than there’s tremendous evidence!  Piles of evidence!  Except for one not so small thing.

None of its evidence.

Mole Hills.

            MAGA Markwayne Mullin claims that they’re being stonewalled by the Biden Administration.[4]  Hunter Biden gave a demonstration of that by requesting to have his testimony televised live.  Really knows how to stonewall.  MAGA Mullin has also said that Biden didn’t do any of what he’s accused of doing while he was President.[5]  According to MAGA McConnell this should let President Biden off the hook.[6]  It did when MAGA Republicans voted not to impeach Trump for trying to overthrow our government.

            So, just for a quick recap.  MAGA Republicans have been investigating the Bidens for years and have yet to turn up any evidence of President Biden doing something, anything, illegal.  Based upon their total lack of evidence they have opened up an impeachment inquiry.  MAGA Republicans may not be able to govern but they sure can put on a show. 

Springtime for Hitler.[7]

[1] Mountains of evidence:


[3] No evidence:

[4] Stonewalling:



[7] From the movie “The Producers.”