Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Border Crisis Actors!


(2.5-minute read.)

MAGA Border Crisis Actors!

            You read it here first!  Hot off the reliable news.  It’s the same news source that MAGA Republicans use so I know beyond the shadow of doubt that my evidence is good.  I have piles of evidence.  Piles I tell you.  At the right time all will be revealed!  The sign pictured above is what actual evidence might look like when we find it.

            All of the Mexicans shown in videos illegally crossing the border are crisis actors hired by the Border Patrol to provide job security! 

            Of course, they’re crisis actors!  You can’t tell me that the mightiest of the mighty super President Trump that can solve a war in a single day didn’t fix the problem at the southern border after being the best President in all of history.  It just isn’t possible that he left things in that bad of a state.

The next thing the radical left vermin will say is that Orange Jesus didn’t finish having the border wall built.  One of his signature campaign promises!  Orange Jesus just isn’t that incapable of getting his promises taken care of.

Trump did provide better health care.  It’s stealth health care that isn’t visible to the general public but it’s there just the same.

The GOAT President Trump did pardon all of the violent insurrectionists BEFORE he left office.  The lame stream media is covering it up just as they do for all his accomplishments.  The people being tried are actors hired by the DOJ and FBI to make it look like they’re doing something. 

            I could go on and on making up the truth of what is going on in the real America.  Trump America.  If you want to know what is real, take off all your clothes in a public area, stand on one leg, hold your arms straight out to the side, stand real still and look at things out of your eye corners while bobbing your head up and down. 

All will be revealed.