Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Just a note

(1-minute read)

            How we spend the minutes in our lives is important because we never get them back.  When they’re gone—they’re gone.  That’s why I appreciate the time that you take out of your life to read my writings whether you agree with them or not.  I’m simply sharing my thoughts about what is going on in the world.

            Technological advancements, science, have made it possible for an old guy like me living in the sticks in the Ozarks to post something and then have people from all around the world read it.  At times that’s within minutes of posting, depending upon what time it is in any given country.  It’s humbling.

            The statistics provided by Google Analytics are very limited and often inaccurate.  That may have more to do with my lack of understanding than with Google.  “Other” is a large category.  But the information is enough to provide a snapshot of the traffic that wanders in.  Some of the visitors are bad actors.  That’s just the way of the world.

            Regardless, thanks again for visiting.  Have a good day.