Friday, July 26, 2024

Russia Aid 2024!

Bucha, Ukraine

(2.5-minute read.)


Meanwhile in Ukraine.

The upcoming election has put the war in Ukraine on the back burner except for the MAGA Republican platform that says they want to stop communism but doesn’t mention supporting Ukraine.[1]  (BTW the real MAGA RNC platform IS Project 2025.)  MAGA’s delay tactics bought Russia enough time to ramp up their war materiel production to replace hardware that the Ukrainians have destroyed.  Trump has said previously that he wants to let Puketin have portions of Ukraine and doesn’t care if he goes after other NATO countries.[2] [3]  He also said that he’ll end the war in a day.  Puketin/Russia, Russia, Russia was in Ukraine when Trump was President and Trump held up aid to Ukraine.

MAGA Republicans have been assisting Puketin’s disinformation war against the United States, Ukraine and Democracy by withholding support for Ukraine in the past while valiant men and women are dying on the battlefield fighting for the right to live free from Russian aggression and tyranny.  These MAGA Republicans in Congress are every bit as despicable as their ‘Dear Leader’ the rapist MAGAt Trump.  These are the very same people that tried to overthrow our democracy on January 6.  Their coup attempt is ongoing.


MAGA Russian connection.

            Alexander-Smirnov was the main witness for MAGA in their attempt to impeach President Biden.[4]  Welp, he made the whole thing up, was working for Puketin, and has been charged by the FBI.[5]  Smirnov did get $600,000 in 2020 but heaven forbid that it should be a called a payoff.  There’s often reward for duplicity.[6]  Big surprise.  Smirnov is currently trying to get his case dismissed thanks to MAGA Supreme Thomas who sent a coded message to MAGA judges in the court’s decision to give the rapist Trump immunity.[7]  (Thomas said that Special Counsels are illegal.)

            The MAGA rapist Trump’s Russian connections have been widely reported on over the years.[8]  Wikipedia provides up to date comprehensive information about the extensive interactions between Trump and the Russian government.[9] 

While we’re on the Russian impeachment so far MAGA Republicans have presented ZERO evidence that President Biden did anything wrong.  No MAGA witnesses presented any evidence that President Biden did anything wrong.  Their own witnesses that they called to testify before their committee said that President Biden has not committed any impeachable offenses.  Special Counsel Weiss, a longtime Republican appointed by Trump, is the one that charged Hunter Biden.[10] [11] Attorney General Garland gave him Special Counsel status.  It’s just a big dog and pony show for largely uneducated white males, aka Trump’s base.

BTW Russia isn’t really a communist country anymore.  They more closely resemble a fascist dictatorship under Puketin.    Whereas China under Xi still maintains a lot of the communist trappings with their economy transitioning to a different model.  Still oppressive of individual rights and freedoms.  Trump has is effusive in expressing admiration and support for both Xi and Puketin and has also professed his love for North Korean dictator Un.[12] 

I wonder if they practiced safe sex.


[3] Trump video comments about Russia,


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