Sunday, July 14, 2024

Violence Denounced


(1-minute read.)

We know enough.

            A man tried to assassinate an ex-President yesterday.  Just leave his name out of it and use his title to convey the gravity of the situation if that helps.

            Political assassinations are wrong.  Period. 

The attempted assassination of ex-President Trump is wrong.  I am truly grateful that he is alive.  It is incredibly sad that another man died shielding his family and that other innocent bystanders were grievously injured.

Threatening violence against others for their political beliefs is wrong.  Gallows humor jokes about what happened are wrong.  There isn’t anything about this that is funny.  It’s a reflection on and of our violence prone nation. 

It needs to stop.  That applies to everyone involved in this upcoming election.  Already there are those touting conspiracies.  That was happening within the first hour.  And it doesn’t make any difference what the investigations turn up in the coming weeks and months, there are those that will never believe what is determined if it doesn’t conform to what they already believe.  As a nation we need to get past all those people that don’t believe in our form of government and think that violence is the answer. 

Violence is not the answer.

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