Sunday, July 28, 2024

Dementia DonOLD


(3.5-minute read)


            Remember the adage “Respect your elders?”  It means that just having survived long enough deserves a certain amount of respect.  We hope that as we grow older, we gain a certain amount of experience and knowledge from living in the world.  Not always the case but it is a nice sentiment. 

            President Biden is old.  Trump is almost as old as Biden.  I’m almost as old as Trump.  Biden was leading in the oldest spot in the election but now Trump at 78 is at the top.  As a matter-of-fact Trump is the oldest nominee in American history.

MAGA has mounted an assault on seniors this election like we haven’t seen before.  And it isn’t just President Biden that they are after.  Nikki Haley made that quite clear in her brief attempt to secure the MAGA nomination.  MAGA and the rapist Trump claims that President Biden is suffering from cognitive decline while ignoring Trump’s seeming dementia.  Cognitive decline is one thing.[1]  Dementia is quite another.[2] 

            President Biden has some of the cognitive decline that comes with age.  (As do I.)  Biden has always been prone to gaffes but a gaffe is different than cognitive decline.  Trump has a history rambling, but also of lying, not making gaffes or misspeaking.  Lying.  Trump did have a father that had Alzheimer’s though.[3]  That increases the possibility of him having Alzheimer’s. 

Huge difference.

Seeing sign.

            It has been obvious for quite some time that Trump is losing mental clarity.  His MAGA cult can ignore it or excuse it but the rest of the nation doesn’t have to.  This < link > is to a 2014 interview that Trump did with Ireland AM about his golf course.[4] He was very much at ease with the reporter from Ireland’s TV3. Trump talked about Ireland a lot but he also talks about the United States and some of his plans.  He said that if he ran for President, he would release his tax returns.  LIE.  He was articulate in his lying, though. 

            That is NOT the Trump we have today at rallies.  Today’s Trump is glitching out in a different way than Senator Mitch McConnell who just freezes up.[5] [6]  His ability to control his impulses has remarkably declined and it wasn’t good to begin with.  A judge in one of his trials even noted it.[7]  But that’s really just the tip of the iceberg.  This link provides an in-depth analysis of what I’m talking about.[8]  It starts off slow but really does an excellent job of documenting what’s going on with Trump.  I highly recommend reading it. 

            Trump has confused Former President Obama with Biden several times.[9] [10]  Trump also claimed that Biden ran against Obama.[11]  Trump now confuses VP Harris with Pelosi.  These aren’t gaffes, sarcasm or jokes.  Trump is confused.  I’m not even going to bother with posting links to all of the incoherent sentences and word salad comments that Trump has made.  There would literally be pages of links at this point.  Check out Meidas Touch videos if you need more.  Sometimes he just loses it completely, speaks gibberish, incomplete sentences or makes sounds like grunts for some words.[12] 

He's coherent when he talks about being a dictator, though.


            Dementia can take many different forms. My wife and I were caregivers for almost 17 years.  We helped my brother take care of my mother and we took care of her dad in our home.  Her dad had Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body dementia as a result of the disease. 

            While unable to do many basic functions, Dad was always sharp mentally.  He was completely conversant.  In talking with him you would not know that he had dementia yet he was totally unable to dress himself.  He had more difficulty of an evening.  It’s called sundowning.[13]  We see that happening with Trump.  On a regular basis we see his 90 minutes of rambling.  The nation sees it.  The world sees it.

Some of us pay attention.


[4] Ireland AM interview,

[5] McConnell freezing up,

[6] McConnell again freezing up,



[9] Trump confusing Obama with Biden,

[10] Trump confusing Obama with Obama,

[11] Trump saying Biden beat Obama,

[12] Glitch supercut,


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