Saturday, July 6, 2024


             I thought that January 6th, 2021 was the saddest day for our democracy but six MAGA Supreme Court Justices managed to Trump it on July 1st, 2024.  That’s the day that they made a President a Monarch/Dictator.  It’s the day with malice and forethought that they made one person above the law at their discretion.  That person is the rapist felon ex-President Donald Trump.

The title is the number of years that our democracy held through incredible struggles and remained standing.  Two hundred and forty-eight years of democracy undone by one court decision.  Two hundred and forty-eight years of no one man, including the President, being above the law.  

A decision dropped on the very last day of the MAGA Chief Justice Court of John Roberts and his five MAGA Justice colleagues.  The gutless cowards waited until the last day to provide as much delay as possible for Trump, thus ensuring that he will not be tried before the November election.  Any contested  “official act” of President Biden will have to go through the hopelessly partisan MAGA Roberts Court.

Our court system previously was working as designed and intended.  Trump had the same consideration and legal protection as any other citizen.  Trump also had the fortune necessary to provide the best legal representation his money could buy.  But he needed more.  Trump needed more because he has consciousness of his own guilt.  So, his MAGA Supremes stepped in.  Already bought and paid for.

            This election is about much more than any one person.  It is about our system of government now grievously wounded by the very people that were supposed to uphold it.  MAGA Supremes that went against their own stated positions about no man being above the law.  So, they made a law that one man can be above the law.

History will remember them.

Be afraid, be very afraid.

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