Monday, July 8, 2024

"I know nothing."


"I know nothing."

(1.5-minute read)

            Do you remember the show Hogan’s Heros?[1]  Probably not.  Keep in mind that I was born in the 1900s.  For those that don’t know it was a show about American POWs held in a German prisoner of war camp that ran from 1965 to 1971.  There was a lovable German guard, Sergeant Schultz.  His signature line was, “I see nothing. I know nothing.”  When his genius ignorant self decides to lie about something, he really steps in it (and Trump steps in it often). 

Never heard of it.

            The rapist Trump now says that he knows nothing about Project 2025.[2]  Funny, because Trump is mentioned 310 times in Project 2025. You can download the pdf and do a text search yourself here.   In addition, the head of Project 2025 worked for Trump.[3]  Aides to President Trump work for the project.[4]  There are pictures of them together.[5]  Trump has talked about Project 2025.  Here’s what Kevin Roberts, then President of the Heritage Foundation said at a Christian Nationalist conference, "Our Project 2025 has developed a comprehensive policy agenda but even more importantly recruiting people, 20,000 people, to go into the next administration hopefully to help take back this country for you and for your audiences.”[6]  This was said this at a Heritage Foundation conference where Trump spoke.  They are the ones that put Project 2025 together for him.[7] 

So there’s all that.


[2] Trump never heard of Project 2025,


[4] Ibid.

[5] Story w/pics of Trump and Project 2025 people,


[7] Comprehensive Heritage Foundation info,

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