Sunday, July 7, 2024

The grass is greener!


(2.5-minute read)

Dems are good at it.

Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.  Media, pundits, some liberal donors, a few Democrat politicians and others including Republicans are calling for President Biden to step down.  They believe that there is a mystical candidate waiting in the wings that can defeat the rapist Trump.  What bullshit.  The guy that successfully predicts Presidential elections says that would be a guaranteed loss.[1]  PERIOD.  I believe he’s right.  If there had been a viable candidate, that person would already have shown up during the primaries.  He/she did not.

            Can you begin to imagine the damage that Democrats would do in picking a successor since most of the primary delegate voting is over?  No matter who is picked it wouldn’t be the right person for a god-awful number of people.  MAGA would just sit back and watch the debacle.  The huckster Trump would sell golden boxes of popcorn, T-shirts and hawk a new bible version.[2] 

            Democrats would kill most of July picking their unicorn candidate leaving only a couple of months before votes are being cast in states with early voting to convince people to vote for the new Presidential candidate.  We’re talking a national campaign here and preparations have already been months in the making. 

It would be a cluster fuck.

Here’s my take.

            President Biden is old.  My guess is that he is indeed facing normal cognitive decline.  Big Fucking Deal.  Biden has surrounded himself with good people and done a damn good job of being President with a hostile Congress and campaigning against a toddler howler monkey that isn’t even held by media to the lowest of standards.  If that’s decline I want some of it.  Biden’s record proves it and I’m not going to bother posting all the data.[3] [4] [5]  MAGA and media won’t accept the truth anyway. 

            The rapist Trump surrounded himself with people that now say he should never be President again and that he’s an incompetent moron.[6]  Dozens of them from his cabinet so far.[7]  He’s campaigning on electric boats and being eaten by sharks.[8]  Trump is the bleach-shooting jester that was made King. 

            Meanwhile media pundits are filling up airtime about Biden being too old and needing to step down and that he didn’t turn things around in his interview with Stephanopoulos.  I watched the interview.  Unlike Trump President Biden carried on a normal conversation.  Just exactly what did they expect Biden to do?  Give another State of the Union address?  BTW, Trump refused to be interviewed. 

            Biden beat Trump before when the experts and polls were saying that he was losing and the election was not rigged in Red States for Biden.  He won.  Pure and simple.  If you’ll remember Media pulled the same crap on Hillary Clinton in 2016 about her being too infirm to hold the office.[9]  It wasn’t true then about Clinton and it isn’t true now about Biden.

President Biden still has the best chance to win.

[1] Alan Lichtman,







[8] Electric boats and sharks,


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