Monday, July 15, 2024

Violence is the MAGA way.


A man that calls for violence upon others had violence call on him.

(2.5-minute read.)

Culture of violence.

            MAGA is Trump.  Trump is chaos and violence.  MAGA is why the country is seeing such extremes since Trump came on the scene in earnest in 2015.  Trump has done more to tear this nation apart than any other person in modern times.  The Russians could not have hired or cultivated a better agent.

            In 2016 when Trump said “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters” he knew right that he could use threats of violence, intimidation and the language of fascism to his advantage.  That’s the path that he has followed since, culminating in the attack on our Capitol on January 6th.  It’s performance.  It is real.  Violence is an integral part of fascism. Always has been.

            The young man that shot Trump was mentally deranged.  We may never know his motive.  That he is a registered Republican is meaningless.  We know that he climbed up on a roof and tried to assassinate the ex-President.  We know that he had an assault style weapon.  According to a classmate he was relentlessly bullied in school along with being a terrible shot.[1]  Perhaps he didn’t like bullies. Perhaps any number of things.  One thing is certain: he was violent.

            There are lists available of all the times that the rapist Trump has threatened violence, celebrated violence and mocked those who decry it.[2] [3] [4] [5] Trump has demonized immigrants with falsehoods since 2015 until today.  Getting shot at will boost his image with his hard-core voters and encourage them to do more violence. 

None of this is new.

Roll over.

            MAGA Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts said it best when he said that their second American Revolution would be bloodless if the Left allows it to be.[6]  This is the kind of talk that gets MAGA off.  It’s subtle but not too subtle and if their revolution to end our democracy runs into violence it’s the fault of others for not just lying back and letting it happen. 

            Then there’s the cashier at Walmart that I heard talking to customers about the need for Biden supporters to be hung for treason.  He has obviously gotten the MAGA message.

            For MAGA Republicans, calls for unity mean that everyone else should roll over for their fascist agenda so they can start rounding people up and throwing them in jail or camps.  It’s their wet dream. 

            We have had mass shootings, contentious elections and violent times before.  The Civil Rights movement was often met with violence.  There were lots of riots in the 60s.  The Kent State massacre in 1970.  George Wallace was shot in 1972 when he ran for President as a racist promising to continue segregation.  There have been several shootings since Trump was shot.[7]

Nowadays there are mass shootings on a regular basis.[8]  This is our new normal brought to you by Republicans that have seen to it that we’re a nation awash in guns.  How do they try to protect the President?  They ban all guns from the immediate vicinity.  Isn’t it ironic?

            What’s coming at us in the coming months unless we roll over for MAGA demands and elect a MAGA President to commit more violence? 

More violence.








[8] Ibid.

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