Wednesday, July 24, 2024

M(ake) A(merica) G(eriatric) A(gain)


(3-minute read)

President Biden making the difficult decision to withdraw from the race has proved liberating for the Democratic Party.  It leaves MAGA as being the truly Grand OLD Party with the oldest nominee in American history as their candidate.  The oldster rapist Trump is outraged that Biden would do such a thing and continues to campaign against him. 


Racist shit spreaders. 

            A deepfake about VP Harris being a sex worker hit the internet less than 24 hours after her first campaign speech.[1]  It traveled with the speed of the internet to get distribution to the rapist Trump MAGA cult and for them to do their Christian duty and spread the lie.  They spread other disinformation as well.[2]  Ridiculous stuff including Harris not being a citizen.  (Recycled, tired trope from the Obama years.)

            I have been working out at a cardiac rehabilitation facility as a follow up to having a stent put in a several weeks ago.  I wear hearing aids and I can play music from my phone through them and not disturb others. 

            While on the treadmill I could see that the senior woman across from me was jabbering away at me and others.  I took out my phone, shut off the music, and asked her if she was talking to me.  She was.  She wanted to know what I thought of the prostitute Kamala running for President.  I told her I was okay with it and went back to my music and exercising.

Never argue with the ignorant.

Senior moments

            The beauty about President Biden’s decision to retire from the fray is that Trump is now the oldest nominee to ever run for President in the history of America.  (Biden was technically not yet the nominee of the Democratic Party.)  Perhaps now corporate media can start talking about Trump’s age and reporting on the deranged comments that Trump makes at his rallies and that his Hannibal Lecter policy needs a tad more explanation.  Hearing Trump clarify whether he supports electric mercy killing on electric boats would also be useful.  Then he could explain if he plans on using the World War II German example for his concentration camps for the brown people that he refers to as animals.[3] 

            Just to make sure that the Trump campaign isn’t covering something up I think that we should see what Trump actually looks like without all the cover up bronzer that he uses.  I mean does he have lesions or some kind of debilitating life-threatening skin condition in addition to his obvious senility and need of naps?  We get to use all those snarky comments MAGA made about President Biden.  Trump is too old to do the job that he didn’t do the first time he had the job.

Age does not always equal wisdom.

Here's the deal.

            I am in deep admiration of President Biden for having the strength of character to withdraw from the election.  That was an incredibly hard decision and he made it for the good of the nation.  He recognized that the stakes were too high and put the country and people above himself.  His party didn’t retire him.  President Biden retired himself.  History will regard him well for doing so.  And Kamala Harris brings an energy to the Democratic Party and presidential nomination that it hasn’t seen since the Obama days.

            Now the Grand OLD Party of MAGA is left with the rapist felon Trump as its nominee.  A tired old rambling sweaty man that doesn’t know when to stop talking.  Trump is incapable of selflessness.  His ego will not permit him stepping down for the good of anyone, which is frankly a good thing.

He can be beaten in November.




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