Friday, July 19, 2024

Humanity denied.


(3.5-minute read)

            What is missing the most in the world today?  Humanity.  The right of people to live and be.  It’s missing in America.  Humanity is missing in political discourse.  Humanity for LGBTQIA people and especially trans people.  Humanity for immigrants.  Humanity for children.  Humanity for people of color.  Humanity for those living in poverty.  Humanity for the elderly.  Humanity for the poor.


In the works?

            Humanity.[1]  Ask for it by name.

            MAGA’s messaging is hate, exclusion, denial, punishment, revenge, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, violence, and lies.  What’s missing from the messaging of MAGA, Trump rallies, their agenda and the rapist Trump?  Common decency.  Humanity. 

Trump the rapist is the most indecent, venal man that we have ever had as President and he’s running again.  He lost the popular vote the first time he won the Presidency and lost completely in 2020.  Trump is Trump’s top priority.  Humanity is missing from his MAGA policies. 

Trump continually escalates his violence inducing rhetoric at rallies.  Like Trump, the purveyors of his Project 2025 agenda are threatening violence (civil war) if they don’t achieve their goals with Trump. 

            Humanity is missing in MAGA Republican-led Red states.[2]  As just one small example there are 13 states that turned down federal aid to provide food for hungry kids over the summer for 3 months.  Why?  They’ll give all sorts of reasons including that poor kids are too obese.[3]  States that participate do have to pay half of the administrative costs.  The main reason though is MAGA doesn’t like anything federal. 

            Five of the 13 states rank as the hungriest in the nation.[4]  Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Alabama and South Carolina.  Missouri, where I live, is also in the top 10 hungriest states but the state is in the program.  Missouri is MAGA Republican state.  That’s what they want for the country.  Red states like Texas have their priorities like cutting up immigrants with razor wire and drowning them.  Seeing that hungry children are fed and educated is waaaaay down on their list.

            For MAGA Christian Nationalists, Project 2025 and Trump, their humanity stops with treating the rich well and making sure that they aren’t suffering as they seek to put hundreds of thousands of government employees out of a job.  Think about what that will do to the economy as MAGA continues dismantling government. 

            MAGA goals are to duplicate Russia’s Puketin’s policies.  You know the guy so concerned with humanity that he started a war with Ukraine and whose Army looted anything of value because they have so little in Russia.

MAGA wants to bring little here.

Project 2025 lacks humanity.

The Christian Nationalist Project 2025 in addition to advocating a fascist state also is sadly lacking in humanity and basic human decency.  They want to do away with agencies like the Department of Agriculture that oversees food assistance.  They want to do away with the Department of Education.  Trump said that he loves the poorly educated. So MAGA loves the same.  The poor and uneducated are easier to manipulate, intimidate and threaten.  They want to totally revamp our educational system and make it one of Christian indoctrination.

Within the first 5 pages of Project 2025, they talk about throwing teachers and educators in jail for teaching pornography and making them registered sex offenders.  I covered that < here >.  What do they define as pornography?  The list is long and doesn’t cover what the majority of the population would consider pornography.  You know, like the mere existence of LGBTQIA individuals.

            What is missing from Project 2025 as well as the espousals of the rapist Trump is common decency.  Their constant threats have millions of good people living in fear and waiting for the knock on the door.

            Originalists want to take us back to the original time when the Constitution was written and before all the amendments.  The time when it was okay to have slaves.  Signers of the Constitution had slaves and weren’t above fucking the help.  Women didn’t have the right to vote. Children worked in mines and factories.  Native Americans were being slaughtered in the name of progress. 

None of this is original




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