Friday, June 28, 2024

Oversell dot com


            Democrats will panic in the moment.  It’s what they do.  Cooler heads (I hope) will prevail.  It would be a mistake for President Biden to leave the race.  According to Allan Lichtman, debates have no predictive effect on the outcome of the election.[1]  Lichtman is the guy that has predicted the outcome of every election including Trump’s win in 2016 by using predictive keys.  He has a You Tube channel here where he explains his election keys.  Debates ain’t one of the keys.  Neither are polls.  

(4-minute read) 

Panic in the streets.

            Jesus Christ, people ,settle down.  (Democrats are panicking.)  It was just a debate and debates don’t win elections.  President Biden is still a good decent man and has done an excellent job of Presidenting in difficult times.  Trump is still a racist with, to quote Biden, “the morals of an alley cat.”  Biden has the skills necessary to not only do the job but he does it well.  Biden beat Trump in 2020 and he can beat him again. 

It’s a shame that the Biden that delivered the speech in North Carolina after the debate didn’t show up for the debate.  He gave a fiery speech there.  But it is what it is.

Did you watch the debate?  I did.  My wife said that I fell on the grenade in order to spare her from watching the debate.  She did not expect President Biden to do well.  We try to be positive but we had low expectations.  Others have used the word painful in describing what it was like watching President Biden in the debate.  Can’t really disagree with that assessment either. 

            Biden looked old at the debate hosted by CNN.  You know why?  Biden is old and doesn’t use bronzer or hair products.  Appearances can be deceiving I know but Trump looked better physically.  What does he look like without the heavy makeup and beehive hairdo?  I’m gonna’ guess Trump looks old too.  You know why?  He is also old.

            I can’t understand President Biden’s speech a lot of the time anyway.  That isn’t new.  He speaks tight lipped, doesn’t enunciate clearly, and has a stutter that sneaks in occasionally.  Biden’s responses to questions trailed off.  Biden just stood there with his mouth open like old people do at times.  I should know.  I’m one of them.  Some questions he didn’t answer at all.  Neither did Trump but that’s beside the point.  Biden also glitched a couple of times when he lost his train of thought.  He wasn’t articulate but did get in a few good shots.


Trump won the debate.



            All Trump had to do was be Trump.  Trump just spews lies.  He lied nonstop throughout the debate but he looked better doing it.  That’s really all he had to do.  All the after-action fact checking won’t do a bit of good.[2]  It never has.  Trump did a better job of delivering his talking points.  Trump, like Biden, avoided answering some questions. 

Perception is often perceived as reality whether it’s true or not.  In addition to lying Trump took credit for things he didn’t accomplish.  That’s another of his skills.  MAGA does this a LOT. Trump’s lack of character and honor also remain a constant.  He’s still a rapist.  He’s still a billionaire shoe and bible sales grifter.  He’s still a billionaire taking millions from his cult.  His policies are still racist.  He continues to push the Great Replacement theory regarding immigrants.

Trump’s still a fascist.

Does it matter?


Debates confirm the positions people already held for the most part.  I had already said  previously that neither man is an orator.  There is no JFK “Ich Bin Ein Berliner” line in this debate for either candidate.[3] 

Media hype makes debates seem more important than they are.  Debates generate revenue so the pundits have to sell them as being important. 

It’s oversell.

[1] Lichtman,


[3] JFK,

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