Friday, August 2, 2024

The time we have


(2-minute read)

We have decades!

            Lots of talk about oldsters these days.

            When we become aware of the implications of aging, we reach the understanding early in life that we can count on having decades.  Life usually teaches us quickly that isn’t always the case as we lose friends and family along the way.  Then as those our age start dying around us we realize that we no longer have decades ahead of us.  Less than a decade.  Then we’re down to years.  Then if hard news comes along, we have months, days or just hours.

Then we don’t.

Going out.

            How those last years are spent is important to some people.  Others are oblivious.  History won’t remember 99.999% of us.  Memories of us last for the time that we’re in other hearts and minds.  Remember so and so for a generation maybe two and then we’re an ‘endnote’ in places.[1] 

Then there are those that will be remembered; that care about history and others.  The rapist ex-President Trump will be remembered as will President Joe Biden.  Historians along with academics are already referring to the rapist Trump as the worst President in American history.[2]  (MAGA rejects such people.)  Others will be more circumspect.

Even though he quit the race, President Biden, a good and decent man, has chosen to spend the last of his time continuing his lifelong commitment to being a servant to the people and doing the best job he can.  Former President Jimmy Carter and his beloved Rosalyn did the same.  It’s what some people do and they are admired by history for doing it. 

The rapist DonOLD Trump at 78 has spent his life servicing himself.  A jury convicted him of rape.  Another jury convicted him of fraud and made him a felon.  When he and his family had a charity, they stole from it.  He sued his ex-wives and cheated on all of them including his current wife.  He cheated on her with a porn star and former Playboy model shortly after she gave birth to their son Barron.  Trump’s a billionaire with multiple bankruptcies who’s hawking gaudy golden tennis shoes, selling Christian Nationalist bibles and grifting money off his sad, ignorant cult.  Trump and his family grifted off his Presidency.  Grifting is the family business model.

Trumps wants to finish up his life getting revenge, threatening people, causing misery, suffering and chaos.  Those are the life skills he has learned. 

Those are his endnotes.



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