Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Red Hat Fascism.


(3.5-minute read)

Just for starters.  MAGA opposes diversity, equality, and inclusion.  MAGA wants to round up brown people and put them in concentration camps.  MAGA is already taking away rights away from LGBTQIA people in red states.  MAGA is already banning books and threatening teachers.  Trump states that he will abolish the Department of Education if he wins.[1]  Trump mocks the disabled and thinks that the severely disabled would be better off dead.[2] [3]  Following his lead, MAGA mocked Vice President nominee Walz’s son who happens to have a learning disability (and a disarming way of showing his love and pride in his father).  MAGA Christian Nationalists want a state religion. 


Fascism rises.

            Hitler had his Brown Shirts; Trump has his MAGA Red Hat Cult.[4]  The Red Hat cult make the perfect modern time Brown Shirt stand-ins.  They are ready, willing and anxious to carry out the man in the high castle’s orders even though he mocks them in private.[5]  After Hitler assumed power, he dumped his Brown Shirt thugs for SS thugs.  They were more disciplined.

            MAGA and Trump share traits common to fascism proponents and regimes.[6]  Trump simply and easily co-opted the Republican Party and made it MAGA.  It wasn’t hard.  It wasn’t a struggle.  They were primed, ready and waiting for a man like Trump. 

            Fascists see.  Fascists do: 

  • Extreme Nationalism.  MAGA shoehorns Christian Nationalism with their fascist Project 2025 agenda into their system of beliefs. 
  • Unquestioning obedience and loyalty to a person.  Trump is a rapist, felon and has MAGA’s complete support including current MAGA members of congress. 
  • Violence and threats of violence, aka militarism.  Trump wanted to use our military to retain power after he lost the election and has plans to involve the military in civilian issues if elected again.  Our military has been used before to stifle dissent.  Remember Kent State and Jackson State University.[7]  It was ugly then and will be no less so now. 
  • Racism.  The immigrants that MAGA reviles are primarily Hispanic.  Immigrants make the perfect scapegoats for MAGA as they prepare to round up brown people.  In Texas, raids of Latino homes and offices are already being conducted under the guise of searching for evidence of voter fraud.[8]  MAGA’s anti-immigrant language is straight up fascism coupled with racism. 
  • Sexism and misogyny.  Christian Nationalism latched onto MAGA because their ideals were in religious alignment regarding the subjugation and control of women and society.  Women and education pose threats to MAGA.
  • Opposes democracy.  Project 2025 codifies their intentions and their plans to overthrow our democracy.
  • Anti-intellectualism/education.  Education is the enemy of MAGA.  They wear their ignorance as a badge of honor as they reject our society, form of government, and science along with the truth.  They believe what the MAGA echo chamber tells them to believe. 
  • Ruralism.  MAGA believes that everything that exists in nature is theirs to use as they want, ie the transformation of nature by subjugating it to their will. Drill, clear cut, use resources without regard to any consequences or future needs.  EVERYTHING is for the 2% rich to exploit and plunder.[9] 

            The similarities between Hitler’s rise to power compared to Trump and MAGAs rise are eerie.  Did you know that Hitler also staged a failed coup and was also a draft dodger?[10]  He was rejected for being physically unfit to serve.  After Hitler seized power all those that weren’t Nazis were purged from government, just like Trump wants to do, as noted in his Project 2025 game plan.  MAGA obviously studied fascist game plans when putting their plans together. 

There are differences too.  Hitler lived in a homeless shelter for a while that was funded by a Jewish philanthropist (How’s that for irony?) whereas Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.  Nevertheless the threat to democracy is the same, especially when you consider the right-wing authoritarians that are threatening democracies in Europe like Victor Orban of Hungary and Marie Le Pen of France. 

            It is the ideology of fascism and those like MAGA and Trump where the similarities are the greatest and pose the most dangerous threat to our government and way of life as they talk about dismantling our democracy in favor of authoritarian rule.[11]  MAGA favors the man that wants to be America’s first dictator. 

Heil Trump.

[1] Trump & the DOE,









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