Sunday, August 4, 2024

Shoved down our throats!

AI generated pic

(3.5-minute read) 

Battle cry!

            Shoved down our throats is the go-to response for the MAGA cult when the subject of education is on the table.  Talk of queers in general is a major affront to them.  They use concern of children as their shield to cover their bigotry of those that are different than them.  MAGA wants queers punished and ostracized from society.  They want them disappeared.  They don’t want to see them, hear about them or know them.  (Them being queers.) 

            There’s a meme circulating that says: 

You aren’t being asked to change your beliefs or religion.  You are being asked to let people make their own decisions about their body, their religion, their love, and so on.  It doesn’t effect [sic] you.  If you truly believe it is wrong then let god judge them and worry about your judgement instead. 

Not my meme.  I did a post about this subject back in 2022 called B sexual but the subject is worth revisiting. 

            MAGA extremists quickly lose their ever lovin’ minds over memes like these.  The problem that I can see in dealing with MAGA about practically anything is that there are so many things real and unreal that trigger their outrage.  They are outraged over anything remotely queer-like as being immoral yet are passionate about voting for the immoral rapist Trump.  Their morality stops when it comes to things that they like. 

A hateful Jesus and guns.


            Comments that MAGA makes about education are rote.  MAGA and their children are being victimized with liberal education and educators at all levels.  That’s why they want to abolish the Department of Education.  Knowledge and education are a threat to their way of life. 

            Below are some pretty standard comments that MAGA makes about education. 

  • ~ That statement would be great if they weren't trying to constantly shove THEIR beliefs down OUR throats. I don't care what someone is doing as long as they don’t expect everyone else to accept and celebrate it with them.  (LGBTQIA people do not expect any of these people to celebrate with them.)
  • ~ NOT when they are teaching my children to question their sexual identity.  (Good grief!  Not happening except in their fevered brains.)
  • ~ When I, as a taxpayer have to pay for things that violate my beliefs, like abortions and transgender surgeries, it IS my problem.[1] [2] [3] [4]  (NOTE:  The Hyde Amendment was passed in 1977 and restricted the use of federal funds being used to pay for abortions except in the case of incest, rape or a threat to the pregnant woman’s life.) 
  • ~ When “they” flaunt their beliefs in front of children it affects them. Children should not be exposed to things that should be adult things. The words that are in some songs are deplorable and the “dancing” is just plum disgusting. You cannot hide this from the innocent young children when it is shoved down our throats. So yes, it does affect me and my family.  (I heard a lot of this kind of talk in the 60s during the hippy era.  Also, if children shouldn’t be exposed to “adult things” maybe MAGA should rethink their idea about teaching the bible in public schools.  It’s full of “adult things” like the story of Lot and his daughters.)

            Quick response to the above comments.  The problem with all of this is that it’s not the Left or liberals or queers who want their beliefs imposed on others; they just want to be left alone to live their lives. It’s the Right that want their hateful beliefs imposed upon others.  Project 2025 was completed and is ready to implement.  Red states are already trying to introduce their bible into schools.  They’re already trying to make queers illegal.  Trump’s MAGA Supremes have already made being homeless illegal.  Books are being banned.  Teachers are being threatened.  Educators are being threatened.

            Most of all they are afraid that their kids might be gay and they need somebody to blame if it happens.  Because they equate someone choosing/recognizing their gender identity as being inherently wrong and evil.  So they reject the decisions that other parents make regarding their gay children.  They’re wrong too. 

They are the ones who want to shove their hateful beliefs down the nation’s throat.




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