Thursday, August 22, 2024

Trump, Jesus and Guns!


(3.5-minute read)

Red State things

            I’m in the Red State of Missouri where MAGA Republicans campaign on Trump, Jesus, guns and building “Trump’s Border Wall!” 

Evidently crime is a bigly problem in the Red State of Missouri and a lot of MAGA thinks that other MAGA are soft on crime.  IDK if this means that they can’t get an erection over crime or not.  It’s MAGA.  Anything is possible if you just believe in the rapist Trump.  Felon see.  Felon do.

            Fortunately all it takes to fix crime in Missouri is just to not be easy on it.  Just get tough on crime.  Who knew?  Just throw lots of people in jail and then whine about feeding and housing them.  Funny thing is that the violent crime rate peaked in Missouri in 2018 and has been decreasing since then but is still way above 2013 levels.[1]  Nationally crime is actually decreasing almost everywhere.  Some big cities are exceptions.  The good news is that just about any MAGA that gets elected in the Red crime-ridden state of Missouri will be able to declare an almost immediate victory unless they somehow manage to drive the crime rate up.

One good coup would do it.

The border!

            Other than the non-rampant crime that MAGA campaigns on how are things progressing in Missouri?  Progressing.  Get it?  Welp it turns out that MAGA is real big on campaigning on the southern border.  Since Missouri doesn’t actually share a border with a foreign country they have to make do with one a couple of states away.  So far MAGA seems to be okay with Canada where most of the border is completely wide open.  Kinda makes me wonder if terrorists wouldn’t just rather go to Canada and walk across.  The weather is certainly nicer. 

I have drifted.

            The fact that the data indicates that there is NO illegal immigrant crime wave and that foreign countries aren’t emptying their prisons and insane asylums into the US doesn’t deter MAGA from campaigning against brown people.[2]  They’re just racist that way. 

Illegal immigration has increased during the Biden Administration.  When President Biden tried to address the illegal immigration problem that has existed for decades by giving MAGA everything that they negotiated for to improve things, the rapist Trump told his MAGA lackeys in Congress to vote against the bill that they negotiated so that he could campaign on the issue. 

Typical Trump.  Typical MAGA.

Child marriage. 

I talked about child marriage and MAGA in my posts about Pervs sometime back.  MAGA Christian Nationalists are big on keeping it as legal as possible what with them being the law and order party and all.

            When I went into the Army in 1966 I received some sex education training.  That consisted mainly of Drill Instructors telling us not to have sex with minors.  That’s a real good way to stop minors from getting pregnant by adults.  MAGA opposes sex education.  They prefer to groom children to be submissive.

            But how are things going in Missouri especially concerning child marriage?  Under the age of 16 is already against the law.  Welp their legislature voted down a bill that would have limited child marriage.  I think that child is kind of a misnomer because the bill actually wanted to ban marriages of 16- and 17-year-olds.[3]  Anyway, didn’t pass. 

Conservatives like their teenagers barefoot and pregnant.

Speaking of teenagers

            You know, the 20 student victims of the Sandy Hook shooting would be about 17 years old now.  But thanks to the NRA, MAGA, Trump and a country full of gun nuts, Charlotte, Olivia, Josephine, Madeleine, Catherine, Ana, Grace, Emilie, Caroline, Jessica, Avielle and Allison will never have the opportunity to get pregnant and Daniel, Dylan, Chase, Jesse James, Jack, Noah and Benjamin will never be fathers.

The party of “family values” really isn’t.

Who’s your Daddy?

            There’s a constant litany from MAGA candidates about how one likes Trump better than the other MAGA running, that Trump likes them best and that they’re the superior patriotic MAGA candidate because they are more loyal to Trump.  Loyalty to Trump is the barometer that they use to measure and validate their MAGA intensity followed by Jesus and guns.

“My nose is browner than your nose.”




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