Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Haitians stand up to Trump!


(1.5-minute read) 

F!cking awesome!

            A group of Haitians living in Springfield, Ohio finally had enough of  the private citizens Trump and Vance causing their community so much misery, fear and hardship.[1]  The Haitian Bridge Alliance filed criminal charges against Trump and Vance because the local prosecutor refused to take any action.[2]  Ohio law provides for citizens to do this.  A hearing has to take place before the affidavit can proceed, though none has been scheduled as of 9/25/2024. 

            The charges are as follows, disrupting public services, making false alarms, telecommunications harassment, aggravated menacing and complicity.  Trump and Vance have both willingly and with malice aforethought (I just thought I’d throw that in there.) caused all of this to happen to the hapless community of Springfield by continuing to spread stories that they know to be false.  The Haitians have requested that the Clark County Municipal Court issue arrest warrants for Trump and Vance.  Trump and Vance showing up in Springfield might be a little risky. 

            If Trump ends up being charged, he’ll do what he always does and has done to America and justice.  He’ll delay, delay, delay.  The problem he has if the conservative judges in Ohio decide not to cover for him is that the charges will be state charges, not federal. 

            What the nitwits Trump and Vance have done to the community of Springfield is unconscionable.  They have recklessly endangered people with their continuing lies.  All of the closures, evacuations, and police involvement cost money and time.  Over nothing but the ramblings of a tired old man and his sidekick in stupidity. 

            Haitians have obviously had enough of being bullied nationally by the Trump and Vance MAGA cult machine.  I tip my hat to the Haitian Bridge Alliance.[3]  I also made a small donation to them.  So can you.  They’re going to need funds in their struggle against the racist hate that has been unleashed against them by MAGA.

Their struggle is our struggle.




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