Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Live Nude Melania!

“Why do I stand proudly behind my nude modeling work?” Melania Trump

 Say no more!

Have you heard the latest?!  Former First Lady Melania is coming out with a book![1]  I’ve decided to help Melania promote her nude new book!  Titled, what else, Melania!  She’s following in the footsteps of her … mentor … the DonOld.  In one of her book promos she explained her nude modeling and compared herself to some of the most famous nude artworks in history.  Gosh!  I can hardly wait! 

Now, in the interests of full disclosure Melania didn’t actually say that pictures of her nude would be in her book.  She just wanted to bring that up in her buy-my-book pitch.  Hint.  Hint.  Wink.  Wink.  Nudge.  Nudge. 

Have you seen some of her work?  The New York post did a tasteful spread where they blurred out her naughty bits.  They must not have thought that the public would stand for seeing her nipples.[2]  Butt and breastal area okay.  Nipples no.  Most publications skipped her oiled-up woman on woman pics as being a little risqué for America.  (BTW the kinda famous photographer of some of the really juicy stuff was a felon that had served time for money laundering and dealing.)[3]  She also did a spread on the DonOld’s plane because he likes to show off his property women.  He likes to look at naked women even if he doesn’t get to sleep with them.[4] 

I’ve watched my share of porn.  Once in Korea I got together with some other GIs and we started showing porn movies to guys in the transient barracks for a nominal fee to cover the cost of the films.  We got shut down though because we were taking too much traffic away from the theater on movie nights.  Our entrepreneurship was deemed inappropriate. 

Also, since I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and have spent quite a bit of time studying art history and in life drawing class I feel qualified to comment on her comparing herself to some of the world’s important historical nude art. 

            So, with all that experience in mind I would classify her pics as soft porn rather than art.  The DonOld, following in Melania’s footsteps, also did some soft porn.[5]  Thank whomever you want to thank he kept his clothes on though.  There were just so many incredible firsts with the Trump Presidency.  They brought Republicans that were once shocked at Michele Obama’s bare arms into the mainstream MAGAmess! 

            Had Stormy only known she could have kept her mouth shut and held out for a cabinet position.

            This brings us to the questions Melania had to ask about her nude work because no one else has been talking about it.  So unfair.  Corporate Media are such shitheads when it comes to fake news that no one would believe it anyway.  So, Melania bravely stepped up.

“The more pressing question is: why has the media chosen to scrutinize my celebration of the human form in a fashion photoshoot?*”  Melania Trump

            I can answer!  I can answer!  The answer to that question is obvious!  Melania wants the media to!  She’s counting on it!  It’ll help sell her book!  Melania can grift off people besides the MAGA cult. 

Melania has turned the page!


*Anybody else wonder what “fashions” are featured in a nude photoshoot?

[1] https://www.thedailybeast.com/melania-trump-this-is-why-im-proud-i-posed-nude

[2] https://nypost.com/2016/07/30/melania-trump-like-youve-never-seen-her-before/

[3] https://nypost.com/2016/07/30/meet-the-photographer-who-shot-melania-trump-naked/

[4] https://www.nickiswift.com/231044/the-real-reason-donald-trump-and-melania-sleep-in-separate-bedrooms/

[5] https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-porn-softcore-playboy-movie-a7340376.html

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