Saturday, September 7, 2024

Thank the NRA and MAGA Republicans.

“I don’t like this.  I don’t like to admit this.  I don’t like that this is a fact of life.”

JD Vance speaking about the recent school shooting.[1] 

(4.5-minute read)

Fortress America!

            How did we get to mass shootings in school being a “fact of life?”

            We got to this point because the NRA and MAGA Republicans engineered us here.  They helped create our culture of violence.  MAGA feeds that hate as they now call for a revolution.  J6 was just an example of where MAGA wants to take this nation.  They fear-monger against immigrants (i.e. brown people).  Danger is everywhere!  Now the nation is awash in guns and the violence that goes with them.

            I’m old enough to remember a time when schools weren’t soft targets. We didn’t have military style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines in the hands of civilians.  There wasn’t a need for everyone to be armed.  (There isn’t now.)  Conceal carry permits were available to those that needed them.  They certainly weren’t necessary for hunting.  Mass shootings were few and far between, as they are in other civilized, developed countries.  Before we embraced gun culture, that is, the worship of guns.

            Like many in this country, I’ve been around guns all my life.  My first rifle was a Marlin lever action 22 that I purchased through my parents with my paper route money.  I used it for hunting.  Among the first weapons that I fired was a semi-automatic 22 of my granddad’s.  He also had a couple of 410 shotguns.  Don’t see a lot of those around anymore.  You needed to be a good shot if you used one.  Guns have their place but I hate what gun culture has done to our country.

Anti gun culture doesn’t equal anti gun.

Arms race

            Blame for the increase in shootings is easy to assign.  According to MAGA Republicans it is NEVER about the guns.  Never.  Guns are much-maligned innocent bystanders in the continuing and ongoing slaughter made possible by the NRA and MAGA Republicans over the decades of fighting for more guns EVERYWHERE.  Now they’re pushing the MAGA Supremes to allow fully automatic weapons to be sold and even fewer gun restrictions.  Then the psychos that Vance talked about can kill even more people that much quicker.

            JD Vance went on in his comments to refer to schools as soft targets and that we need to enhance security.  This must be why MAGA votes against any commonsense gun legislation. 

            And their answer now, besides more thoughts and prayers, is that we need more guns because the Dems/Harris are coming for our guns!  Schools need to be hardened.  You know like Vance or Trump when they speak behind bullet proof glass and travel with armed guards and other security. 

            The rights of guns war is being waged in the United States by the NRA and MAGA. 

Kids are paying the price with their lives.

Arms Control.

            It took decades for Republicans to bring our nation to this sorry place of violence and the slaughter of innocents.  MAGA is concerned with the rights of guns.  It’s going to take decades to get it under control. 

How about we start off with a little arms control and go from there.  Pass some common sense gun legislation. 

MAGA has made it legal in some red states to open carry, including long guns.  When so many are running around with guns legally who are school guards supposed to shoot?  Or are they just supposed to shoot first and let God sort it out. 

How hard a target are we supposed to make schools anyway?  You know, prisons are pretty hard; maybe take them as our model? 

  • Pat downs for EVERYONE entering a school before they get to the magnetometers.  That’s going to take a while. 
  • Bullet proof all the windows, doors, and walls.  Up to what caliber? 
  • Walls around all the schools.  MAGA is big on walls.  Concertina wire on the walls just like they use against immigrants. 
  • Seal all points of entrance after school starts.  No one gets in.  No one leaves. 
  • Bomb sniffing dogs for backpacks.  The little tykes and psychos are pretty smart these days. 
  • Post snipers on the roofs of schools.  Trump and Vance have them so should kids! 
  • Bullet proof vests for kids.  One more thing for parents to look for when getting kids ready for school.
  • Don’t forget all the school buses!  Start at the pickup points.  Post armed guards at every armored school bus pick up point!  As to whether an armed guard needs to be on every bus that needs to be left up to individual states. 
  • Finally and most importantly arm the kids!  They are the last line of defense!  They’re never too young to learn.  Add weekly target practice days to school curriculums along with urban warfare training.  Let’s see how psychos do up against well trained and armed 5 year olds!

Eat lead, psychos!!!

America is a Gun

            --Brian Bilson

England is a cup of tea.

France, a wheel of ripened brie.

Greece, a short, squat olive tree.

America is a gun.


Brazil is football on the sand.

Argentina, Maradona’s hand.

Germany, an oompah band.

America is a gun.


Holland is a wooden shoe.

Hungary, a goulash stew.

Australia, a kangaroo.

America is a gun.


Japan is a thermal spring.

Scotland is a highland fling.

Oh, better to be anything

than America as a gun.

[1] AP News,

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