Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Truoompa Loomerpa


(3-minute read)

Truoompa Loomperpa Truoompity do.  Truoompa’s got a lie to sell to you![i] 

(Are you playing the song in your head now?)

Field Guide

            The average Truoompa Loomerpa is easily recognizable out in their natural habitat.  Their red-hatted heads make them stand out.  They come in all shapes and sizes.  However, they can easily shed their head covering in order to blend in with normal society as they often do when they go about their daily lives. 

Obviously the Truoompa Loomerpas are the most serious of the serious Trump supporters.  There are a couple of more layers of MAGA cult members. 

For some of the truest Truoompa Loomerpas the golden tennis shoes are a dead giveaway.  Other signs of Truoompa Loomerpas is that they have the faux leather Constitutional Jesus bible, have a Trump University diploma hanging on the wall above a picture of Jesus Trump, have eaten Trump steaks, drank Trump vodka, bought Trump NFTs, lost money at Trump casinos before they went bankrupt, played a Trump board game, flew on the Trump airline, drank Trump Ice, read Trump magazine, and did all this while dressed head to toe in Trump attire.  Trump has failed a lot and cost good people a lot of money.[ii]  These are the people that he continually grifts from. 

  • MAGA is all for law and order except when they champion breaking the law, are encouraging violent revolution, assaulting law enforcement protecting the Capitol and holding dinners at Mar a Lago to reward traitors that tried to overturn the election.  And the head Truoompa Loomerpa MAGA Trump is a racist, rapist and felon.
  • Trump’s latest and bestest bestie Laura Loomer who is keep close company with him is yet another white supremacist crazy that he associates with.  And when I say close, I mean close.  Wink.  Wink. Nudge. Nudge.  She was his date at the 9/11 ceremony.  That’s right, the very woman that said the 9/11 attack was an inside job.
  • Truoompa Loomerpas will believe anything that their DonOLD Trump tells them.  Like immigrants eating pets.
  • They believe they have a natural immunity that protects them from all contagions and died by the hundreds of thousands during the pandemic to prove it!  Will their surviving family remember?
  • They have a unique ability to hold 2 opposing views simultaneously.   America is the greatest country versus America is a crime ridden < hellscape > coming apart at the seams.  https://yadayadayadablahblah.blogspot.com/2024/09/hellscape-america.html
  • They support having a racist rapist and felon Trump as President.
  • They are for their freedom of speech, banning books, threatening teachers and jailing those that speak out against Trump.
  • They are all for their religious freedom to regulate women’s bodies and reproductive choices.
  • They support the MAGA goals of racism and misogyny.  

            Perhaps the most dangerous faction of the Trump cult is intelligent American citizens who support Trump because they do not care about democracy and are only concerned about what is in it for them.  They will whitewash and sane-itize Trump’s crazy as if it isn’t important. 

It really isn’t patriotic to support Trump, who tried to overthrow our democracy and failed but is trying a second time by calling for a revolution while calling into question the election before it even happens.  The rapist felon Trump is already bleating about polls being wrong and voting irregularities all the while demonizing the latest people of color faction like Haitians.  Immigrant Hispanics remain his favorite faction to threaten though.  According to Trump the 12 to 20 million immigrants from south of the border are all criminals that are taking black jobs. 

Trump is the actual criminal.


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