Saturday, September 14, 2024

Calling all racists!

(2-minute read)

            Trump is marketing racist tropes against Haitians as well as Hispanics.  MAGA is buying!  It wasn’t a hard sell, of course.  Racists jumped on the Trump train when he was first starting out and they have remained loyal due to their mutual self-interests. 

Real world consequences

            Unfortunately, there are real world consequences to what the rapist idiot Trump says to his MAGA cult.

Bomb threats are being called in to schools and municipal buildings in Springfield, OH.[1]  Schools had to be evacuated.  Haitians are pulling their kids out of schools.  Neo-Nazis have also been in Springfield serving as a racist advance team pushing false claims about Haitian immigrants and making threats.[2]  White Supremacists are always quick to support Trump and use his celebrity for their cause. 

The Ohio woman that started the rumor regrets her post and never dreamed it would escalate to threats against Haitians.[3]  She has since apologized and deleted the post that helped start all this, unfortunately not before JD Vance and others found it and helped the rumor go viral. 

Interestingly, the woman describes herself as being mixed race, a part of the LGBTQ community and that her daughter is half black.  She had to pull her daughter out of school out of fear for her safety.  Her fear is warranted. 

            In Trump’s mind he can’t be wrong, so if he says something it becomes the truth for him.  For the rapist Trump admitting that he is wrong about something is like admitting defeat.  So he, along with his racist MAGA cult, will continue selling the falsehood that Haitians are eating cats and dogs. 

This is a green light to his MAGA cult to take action.  MAGA is burning up the internet with racists pics, videos, memes, and comments.  Nothing new.

            Just as Trump denied having any responsibility for the attempt to overthrow our government and the MAGA cult followers that breached the Capitol, he will deny any responsibility for contributing to the violence taking place in Springfield, Ohio.  Nevertheless, Trump encourages violence and constantly talks about revenge.  Trump keeps spreading the falsehood at his rallies and the threats to Springfield keep going.  Now hospitals are being targeted as well.[4] 

            What Trump and Vance are doing by perpetuating this vile untruth is tantamount to shouting “Fire” in a public space when there isn’t one.  Trump absolutely does not care if people get hurt.  It’s all about the attention and the headlines!  Corporate media is covering him and not Harris and Walz.

Trump got what he wants.






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