Thursday, September 19, 2024

Trump is chaos

”If chaos agents had a playbook, it would be the following: Inflame grievances, exaggerate differences, appeal to pride, sow doubt and suspicion, and make an evil brainwashed caricature of the enemy. Tell them they’re being conned and the system is rigged. Give them a group identity, a community that validates them and rewards their sacrifices. Then, show them the way out of darkness: a radical mission.”[1]

(4.5-minute read)

Chaos is Trump

Does the above quote sound familiar?  That is literally Trump’s MAGA playbook.

Where to begin?  We have come to accept the absurdity of the MAGA world as normal but what is taking place is so far beyond normal.  I mean seriously, people.  A guy that talked about being able to get away with sexual assault was found liable for doing the same and he’s the Republican candidate for President.  And a felon.  A felon who said that felons shouldn’t be allowed to run for office.  Of course, that was before he became a felon himself.

In keeping with the theme the following evidence is presented in no particular order.

  • There was an assassination attempt where Trump’s massively bleeding ear magically healed in next to no time.
  • Then there was the assassination attempt of an assassin that didn’t fire his weapon.  Good job, Secret Service!
  • Melania announced that she was proud of her nude modeling and compared her oiled up completely nude photos with another woman to some of the world’s most revered nude art.  She’s come a long way since Trump picked her up at the Kit Kat club in NYC.  And she’s got a book coming out.  If she puts some of her nudes in the book it’ll sell like hotcakes to the soft porn lovers. 
  • Trump, along with VP nominee Vance, continues to spread the disgusting lie that Haitians are eating pets while the people and city of Springfield, Ohio pay the price, with day after day of school closings, municipal buildings closings and bomb threats.  Vance admitted it’s a lie but continues to justify it.  (This is an old racist trope.  When I served on a city council, I talked to a citizen that said his Asian neighbor was eating pets without a shred of evidence.  They weren’t.  They were good hard-working decent people.) 
  • Trump made racist comments to a panel of black journalists.[2]  He brought up immigrants taking black jobs again.  Students in attendance were VERY impressed…NOT.[3] 
  • Let me see, oh yes, Trump has taken time out from golfing and campaigning to announce a crypto scam, market Melania’s book and is selling a different style of tennis shoes. 
  • At a rally in Michigan Trump said that Bagram air base is in Alaska along with some other weird shit while nepo-baby I-have-no-honor Governor Huckabee Sanders smiled through it all.
  • Oh yes, Trump attended a 9/11 ceremony with Laura Loomer, who claimed the attack was an inside job.  She’s a one woman walking talking conspiracy spreading freak show.  So far Loomer is with Trump more on the campaign trail than Melania.  You may have seen the pics of her pressed up against him.  Young love is sweet, isn’t it? 
  • Trump still claims that EVERYBODY wanted Roe v Wade overturned.  A truly outrageously stupid comment.  The clap-back when Vance repeated this nonsense was absolutely EPIC when women immediately started posting their stories!
  • The Trump tweeted, “I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT.”  If he wins then he can prosecute her and send her to prison along with his other enemies. 
  • While Trump continues to spew nonsensical word salads, main-stream media keep up their efforts to sane-wash his words.
  • Trump thinks there was an audience cheering him at the debate, who were angry when the moderators kept fact-checking him (hint: they hardly did).[4]  He lives in fantasy land.
  • Trump wants to put fellow billionaire chaos agent Elon Musk in charge of a department of “government efficiency”.  Musk, who has famously run X (formerly known as Twitter) into the ground and seems set to do the same to Tesla, has social security, welfare and Section Eight in his sights.

So far there isn’t any falsehood, gibberish, incoherent, petty grievance, racist or sexist comment that Trump can make that his MAGA cult won’t clap and cheer or laugh for.  That is the show that they come for and he gives it to them in spades.  His nature and immorality is theirs.  They provide relevance to Trump’s tantrums. 

The real issue here is that all this chaos is a smokescreen to hide Trump and Company’s Project 2025 agenda (other than tariffs and getting rid of all the brown people), lack of knowledge as to how government works, lack of understanding tariffs, lack of ability, lack of morality and, in fact, lack of anything resembling presidential demeanor.

VP Kamala said watch a Trump rally.  Excellent advice.  Watch their debate as well if you haven’t had the opportunity or need a refresher of why Trump is so bad.  While you’re at it watch her interview by the Nationalist Association of Black Journalists (NABJ).[5]  In particular I loved her response to a question about why young black men should vote for her.  She said, “I do not operate from the assumption that black men are in anybody’s pocket.  Black men are like any other voting group.  You gotta earn their vote.” 

Kamala has earned mine


[2] NABJ Panel, Donald Trump,

[3] NABJ student comments,


[5] NABJ panel, VP Kamala Harris,

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