Friday, September 6, 2024

Pearl Clutching Professionals.


(2-minute read)

Outrage machine!

MAGA outrage has been running wide open since 2015.  There’s so much for MAGA to be outraged about and so little time! 

Here lately there’s barely time for MAGA to stop to perform outrage preventative maintenance and refuel the outrage machine before they have to crank it up again.  Credit given where credit is due that they have been able to sustain hate of America, liberals, immigrants (POC), LGBTQIA people, people from shit hole countries, climate change, science, scientists, teachers, education, vaccines, Jewish space lasers, masks, equality, inclusion, diversity, etc. for that long but they have and need to be recognized for it.  It’s hard to work all that outrage into their daily lives yet somehow, they do. 

            Biden is too old to run for President!!!  An outrage!  Biden withdrew from the race!!!  OMG!  OUTRAGE!  VP Candidate Tim Walz petted 2 different dogs!  Outrage!  VP Harris worked as at McDonalds and didn’t put it on her resume!  Outrage!  People talked mean to (or about) the rapist felon DonOLD!!!  Double outrage!  There was the outrage debacle over an Olympic sized Last Supper smear that didn’t happen. Undeterred, MAGA unleashed their outrage on a woman Olympic boxing winner by saying that she wasn’t a woman.  (She is a woman.) 

The list of Americans that MAGA wants punished is long but somehow doesn’t include the people that tried to overthrow our democracy or the leader of the insurrection aka the rapist felon Trump.  BTW Trump decided to cancel the J6 awards show until after the election.  That way if he’s doing time himself the awards can be postponed until he can achieve the felon of the year award.

            Trump and MAGA depend upon the fuel of racism, misogyny, bigotry, fear mongering, distrust and threats to further their self-serving interests and agenda.  Hate fuels fascism.  Trump the perpetual victim is bolstered by their cheering when he rants and complains about how horrible our nation is just as he has done for the last 8 years, including when he was President. 

            Not sure what to rant about today?

Clutch your pearls and spin the Wheel Of Outrage!


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