Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Haitians stand up to Trump!


(1.5-minute read) 

F!cking awesome!

            A group of Haitians living in Springfield, Ohio finally had enough of  the private citizens Trump and Vance causing their community so much misery, fear and hardship.[1]  The Haitian Bridge Alliance filed criminal charges against Trump and Vance because the local prosecutor refused to take any action.[2]  Ohio law provides for citizens to do this.  A hearing has to take place before the affidavit can proceed, though none has been scheduled as of 9/25/2024. 

            The charges are as follows, disrupting public services, making false alarms, telecommunications harassment, aggravated menacing and complicity.  Trump and Vance have both willingly and with malice aforethought (I just thought I’d throw that in there.) caused all of this to happen to the hapless community of Springfield by continuing to spread stories that they know to be false.  The Haitians have requested that the Clark County Municipal Court issue arrest warrants for Trump and Vance.  Trump and Vance showing up in Springfield might be a little risky. 

            If Trump ends up being charged, he’ll do what he always does and has done to America and justice.  He’ll delay, delay, delay.  The problem he has if the conservative judges in Ohio decide not to cover for him is that the charges will be state charges, not federal. 

            What the nitwits Trump and Vance have done to the community of Springfield is unconscionable.  They have recklessly endangered people with their continuing lies.  All of the closures, evacuations, and police involvement cost money and time.  Over nothing but the ramblings of a tired old man and his sidekick in stupidity. 

            Haitians have obviously had enough of being bullied nationally by the Trump and Vance MAGA cult machine.  I tip my hat to the Haitian Bridge Alliance.[3]  I also made a small donation to them.  So can you.  They’re going to need funds in their struggle against the racist hate that has been unleashed against them by MAGA.

Their struggle is our struggle.




Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Live Nude Melania!

“Why do I stand proudly behind my nude modeling work?” Melania Trump

 Say no more!

Have you heard the latest?!  Former First Lady Melania is coming out with a book![1]  I’ve decided to help Melania promote her nude new book!  Titled, what else, Melania!  She’s following in the footsteps of her … mentor … the DonOld.  In one of her book promos she explained her nude modeling and compared herself to some of the most famous nude artworks in history.  Gosh!  I can hardly wait! 

Now, in the interests of full disclosure Melania didn’t actually say that pictures of her nude would be in her book.  She just wanted to bring that up in her buy-my-book pitch.  Hint.  Hint.  Wink.  Wink.  Nudge.  Nudge. 

Have you seen some of her work?  The New York post did a tasteful spread where they blurred out her naughty bits.  They must not have thought that the public would stand for seeing her nipples.[2]  Butt and breastal area okay.  Nipples no.  Most publications skipped her oiled-up woman on woman pics as being a little risqué for America.  (BTW the kinda famous photographer of some of the really juicy stuff was a felon that had served time for money laundering and dealing.)[3]  She also did a spread on the DonOld’s plane because he likes to show off his property women.  He likes to look at naked women even if he doesn’t get to sleep with them.[4] 

I’ve watched my share of porn.  Once in Korea I got together with some other GIs and we started showing porn movies to guys in the transient barracks for a nominal fee to cover the cost of the films.  We got shut down though because we were taking too much traffic away from the theater on movie nights.  Our entrepreneurship was deemed inappropriate. 

Also, since I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and have spent quite a bit of time studying art history and in life drawing class I feel qualified to comment on her comparing herself to some of the world’s important historical nude art. 

            So, with all that experience in mind I would classify her pics as soft porn rather than art.  The DonOld, following in Melania’s footsteps, also did some soft porn.[5]  Thank whomever you want to thank he kept his clothes on though.  There were just so many incredible firsts with the Trump Presidency.  They brought Republicans that were once shocked at Michele Obama’s bare arms into the mainstream MAGAmess! 

            Had Stormy only known she could have kept her mouth shut and held out for a cabinet position.

            This brings us to the questions Melania had to ask about her nude work because no one else has been talking about it.  So unfair.  Corporate Media are such shitheads when it comes to fake news that no one would believe it anyway.  So, Melania bravely stepped up.

“The more pressing question is: why has the media chosen to scrutinize my celebration of the human form in a fashion photoshoot?*”  Melania Trump

            I can answer!  I can answer!  The answer to that question is obvious!  Melania wants the media to!  She’s counting on it!  It’ll help sell her book!  Melania can grift off people besides the MAGA cult. 

Melania has turned the page!

*Anybody else wonder what “fashions” are featured in a nude photoshoot?






Sunday, September 22, 2024

Two Americas


Good versus Evil

(6-minute read)

“Getting them out will be a bloody story.  Should never have been allowed to come into our country.”

The rapist racist felon Trump


You’re a fascist! 

You’re a Marxist!

You’re a communist!

You’re a patriot!

You’re not a patriot!

I don’t like the direction the country is heading!


Who makes the better argument?

I’m not trying to change hearts and minds here.  I’m just presenting my view of what is taking place in America.  This election really isn’t about Trump.  He’s a horrible human being that in normal times never would have remained on the ballot.  This election is about America’s divide. 

It isn’t pretty.  Keith



            Back in 1967 Dr. King talked about the other America.[1] 

            There’s more than enough hyperbole to go around these days.  The nation has been divided before.  The war in Viet Nam.  The Nixon years.  Just a couple of examples.  I’ve lived through these times.  I don’t remember the nation ever being divided in the way that we are today.  It’s the North versus the South again only this time the lines aren’t geographic.  There are two Americas now.[2] 

Pick your theme.

On the one hand.

            Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov Tim Walz have a positive view of America and what can be accomplished for the good of the nation.  They aren’t motivated by a desire for revenge, dividing the nation or staying out of jail.  Instead they talk about economic opportunities for average Americans.  They have and are presenting plans and policies.  

Remember back in 2020 when Trump predicted that the stock market would crash if Biden got elected?[3]  It didn’t.  It soared and is still breaking records under the Biden Administration. 

            Kamala said it best when she invited people to go to Trump rallies.[4]  (People can do that online.)  The differences in messaging are stark![5] 

They call Trump a danger to democracy and he proves them right as he continually divides the nation along racial lines in the sand with false information.  However Vice President Kamala Harris keeps her messaging about America and Americans positive and expresses her joy when she can.  She still sees America as a land of opportunity and offers plans of support to let people pursue and accomplish their American dream with the support of the government. 

And while I’m at it, there isn’t dirt on Harris and Walz like there is on Trump and Vance.  Well, there is made up stuff, because that’s all MAGA has.  Like Harris’s “inability” to prove that she worked at McDonald’s decades ago.  Other than that there is no dirt.  Harris and Walz are good decent people. 

On the other hand. 

There is Trump, Vance and MAGA.

There will be blood.

The racist rapist felon Trump and Sen JD Vance have a dystopian view of America as being some sort of crime ridden 3rd world nation Hellscape where no one is safe. 

Trump and Vance are both deeply flawed human beings.  In the past, Vance referred to Trump as being “America’s Hitler.”[6]  Then Vance’s billionaire patron decided that Vance would make a good Vice President and Vance transformed and switched his positions for power.[7]  

            The rapist Trump said that when he starts rounding up brown people to deport them it will be a bloody story.[8]  Trump went on to say, “Not going to be easy but we’ll do it.”  Let me see, where have we seen something like that before?  Did you guess Germany?  Nazi fascists talked like that regarding rounding up Jews. Then they did it.  BTW the neo-Nazis supporting Trump don’t like Jews either.  Remember Charlottesville?  Trump’s already saying that if he loses it’s the fault of Jews.[9] 

            Trump threatens anyone that opposes him.  It’s all or nothing with Trump and MAGA.  He wants his critics thrown in jail (if not dead).  MAGA says that opposition should be thrown in jail.  The rapist Trump is facing jail because he engaged in criminal acts before, during and after his reign as President.  He’s a career criminal that finally tripped up and got caught.  But his MAGA Supremes are helping him as best they can. 

            Trump already tried to overthrow our government once in 2020 and on into 2021 when he staged a coup on January 6th.  He tried fake electors.  He tried to stop the vote from being certified.  He encouraged an insurrection to takeover congress.  Does that indicate that Trump’s trying to save democracy and our Republic?  Is that what trying to overturn the vote of the people means?  

            No, no it does not.  It means that MAGA’s fascist coup attempt failed. 

None of these threatened actions are democracy in action.  They are the evil of fascism, racism and homophobia.  Trump wants to repeat that in the United States starting with rounding up Hispanic and Haitian immigrants along with innocents because all people of color look alike and putting them in camps.  The color of people’s skin will make them suspect and their immigration status, whether legal or not, will not matter.  This is when it will get bloody, but don’t worry.

Trump will sort them out.

Where we’re at.

            Unable to come up with his own policies, Trump sided with the Christian Nationalists of the Heritage Foundation and they came up with policies for him.  Project 2025 is the game plan that Trump will use to dismantle our democracy and replace it with him.  Trump.  The first American dictator. 

            Racists support Trump because the MAGA agenda is compatible with their values and beliefs.  It’s that simple.

            Trump proved to be incapable of accomplishing his agenda when he was President.  He still campaigns on building the wall and drilling for oil.  More oil is being drilled for now than when he was in office.  In spite of controlling both houses of Congress Trump was unable to get his wall built and what did get built the Mexican government didn’t pay for.  Then Trump ordered his MAGA Republicans to kill the bipartisan immigration bill that they negotiated so that he could campaign on the issue.  In 9 years Trump has been unable to come up with a better health care plan than the Affordable Care Act. 

The Trump Administration was a failed Administration.  The worst in our entire history and probably the world.  In the end he was responsible for too many Americans getting killed in the pandemic and lost his bid for reelection. 

MAGA keeps asking were you better off four years ago.  Do they not remember the state of the nation four years ago?  That’s what Trump the magnificent-let-them-inject-bleach-and-take-horse-pills left for President Biden.  A crashed economy and a former President that refused to admit that he lost.[10] 

The Department of Education is on the chopping block.  Can you imagine the chaos that one action alone will create across the nation?  The goal is to eradicate public education and replace it with Christian Nationalist madrassas.  And that is just one element of the plan.  MAGA has dozens of actions like that planned with Project 2025.  Here’s what a second Trump Administration will bring to the nation and the world.






[5] Harris on health care,



[8] Bloody story comments,

